Coming Out

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I've written like seven different versions of this chapter.  I really tried my best because I want this to be perfect. 

This Chapter is really important! I think everyone should enjoy the fic, but also know the message is to be yourself! My brother recently came out and it was very emotional. We all thought my dad wouldn't be ok with it but he was! He may not understand it, but he loves his son no matter what. So since my family is the spitting image of the Blight family I based it off of how my bro came out. 

So that's why it's late. Enjoy;)


The day after Grom.

Luz woke up exhausted. So many different emotions to process from last night. Luz groans as she gets out of bed. She drags herself out and gets ready for the day. She puts on her official gown and heads for the dining hall.

"Empress. How was your school event." Kikimora was waiting for Luz by the door of her chambers.

Luz groans out loud again "Kiki, we both know you don't care. What do you want."

Kiki scolds the human but doesn't deny her claim "Well, I am informed to tell you that Lilith will be out for a couple of days. In her absence, Mrs. Blight will take up her responsibilities."

Luz tenses at the news. She hopes that Lilith isn't scared of her after last night. She understands why both Clawthorne's would not want to see her right away "Very well. What's our schedule looking like today?"

The two begin down the hallway and to the dining room where Luz can get some food. "Well, today is going to be a bit different. Once in a while, Emperor Belos would spend his time in the basement discussing with the Titan the plans of the Boiling Isles."

"UUggggg! No. I speak to him every night. He's exhausting. What else?" Luz tells Kikimora so casually.

Kiki comes to a halt in disbelief "You what?" Luz cringes at herself for letting that slip. She didn't want to be looked at like a prophet like her father, so she kept her relationship with the Titan on the down-low "Empress that is crucial information. Why didn't you tell me about this before?"

Luz uses her superiority "Because I'm empress. I don't have to tell you anything"

"You do if you want my help." Kiki is growing annoyed by the humans' lack of judgement "My liege, I may be hard on you a lot, but only because I want you to be the best ruler you can be. I want the Isles to prosper as much as you do."

Luz starts to walk again "Yes I know. I apologize Kiki. Now you know I speak to him every night. Now anything else?"

"First off, an empress never apologizes!" Kiki begins to walk after Luz "Second, we have to know the Titans plans if he has any. We have to remember that this land we live on is his fallen body and we have to respect him." Luz rolls her eyes at this but stays silent "Finally since you already communicate with the Titan, I guess we have our day freed up tremendously. All you have to do is go over a list of prisoners and write out the sentence they are to serve for their crimes."

"Ok I will do that with Lili- I mean, Mrs. Blight and I will do that in the throne room after my meal. Would you like to join me for my morning meal Kiki? I'm in a good mood from last night." Luz looks at the petite creature's eyes widen at the question.

Kikimora takes a moment to think about what Luz just asked "Seems like you've never listened to a lesson I taught you. An empress only eats with guests requested personally or other royalty. I am not a guest, nor royalty."

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