The Storm

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Remember Emperor Belos' real name is Roman.
And the Titans' real name is Belos
And Luz is still possessed by the Titan

It might get confusing and I apologize in advance. Lmk at the end if you have any questions...

Also a warning. This has some scenes that can be graphic. I tried my best with this.

Also, someone important dies.... Sorry....

"I'm home."

Emperor Belos stands up and dismisses all of the guards, leaving the room to just him and his daughter "Luz. I was worried for a moment. But my worries were cast aside when I heard that you alone, captured your, captors. I am beyond proud my dear."

The Titan grits his teeth and slowly makes his way to the throne "Wow. You really are just terrible... Roman..."

The emperor stands still, studying Luz's posture "Luz? What did you just call me?"

The Titan, still walking slowly, rolls his red eyes "Roman, Roman, Roman, Roman. Did you really think you could truly defy me and get away with it?"

The emperor takes out his staff and holds it close to him "Belos?"

"YES. Ladies and gentlemen, the human has a brain! What a miracle." The Titan now says in a sarcastic tone, stopping in his tracks.

"How- what are you doing to Luz. DONT BRING HER INTO THIS!" The emperor is growing angry, but not moving towards the Titan who granted him all his power.

The Titan smiles menacingly and grips Luz's staff tightly "You brought this upon yourself, old friend. You are to blame for your own demise."

Roman, known as emperor Belos, now looks at his possessed orphan. "Luz! I know you're in there! Fight him. Fight him off. Gain back control!"

The Titan laughs in his face "You fool! Roman, you were the one who allowed me to take control of her. By locking her memories up, she has nothing to fight for. I can't even unlock her memories. You made sure of that. Only a core memory can unlock her mind, and the key is locked in a spare room."

"A key? The library memory of that tutor! What was her name.?.? BLIGHT!" The emperor says to himself, but the Titan heard.

"Ah! The former human can really think! Congratulations Roman, you've proven that you're not a total failure!" The Titan gives the emperor a smile but with no good intentions behind it.

Roman looks at the Titan, standing in front of him, posing as the one thing he's ever really had a connection with "So. What now? What do you want! You want me to bow to you once again!"

"No, no, no, no..." The Titan looks up at the human he helped so graciously years prior. "I want you to beg for mercy."

Roman looks at the Titan with fear and resentment. "You want me to beg. I am the emperor of these Isles. I do not beg for mercy!"

The Titan takes a couple more steps towards Roman, slowly. The smile fades away from controlled Luz, and he slams the staff Luz was gifted "YOU ARE THE EMPEROR BECAUSE I GAVE YOU THE POWER!!!! NOW GET DOWN ON YOUR KNEES AND BEG!!!!" The Titan casts a spell on Roman to levitate him off the throne, and towards him.

The two now face to face, look at each other with rage-filled eyes. Roman laughs in the Titans' face. "Oh, how old you've gotten old friend. Your memory must not work as well as it did when we met. I have your magic. All you have is my daughters' puny staff." Roman breaks free of the spell and vanishes out of sight.

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