Before the Storm

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Eda, King, and Steve were all chained up in the conformatorium dungeon. This was the room you were kept in before you were petrified.

Eda attempts to cast a spell out of the chains but to no avail. King is currently sleeping, dreaming about all the chaos he will bring upon this realm when he breaks free. And Steve is worried about his human. They are all chained to the same platform, awaiting their inevitable demise.

Eda, for the twenty-seventh time, casts a spell, trying to break free of her chains. "It's no use you know." Steve finally speaks since he first fainted at the knee. "These very chains are enchanted by the emperor himself. Not even your magic can break free from them."

Eda sits down next to Steve in defeat. She sighs and picks up King and pets him as he continues his sleep "You know, I haven't known her for long. But I can tell she's a stubborn fighter. I guess that's why I instantly clicked with her."

Steve chuckles to himself "Yea. She's special. She literally waddled into my life, and it was the best thing to ever happen to me. I would do anything for her." Steve now sighs with pain in his eyes "I hurt her. I betrayed her trust, and now I feel like my whole life is just.."

"Incomplete? Broken?" Eda says, finishing off his sentence.

He looks up at the owl lady "Yeah. Something like that."

The two laugh and bond over the human. They both stop trying to escape and start to come to terms with their situation.

A tear escapes Steve's eye "I wish I was there for her. I should have done my job, and protect her. I failed her. I'm supposed to be her support."

Eda places a hand on Steve's shoulder to comfort him "You didn't fail her. If it weren't for you, she would be a heartless shell. She would be a mini emperor Belos, and trust me we don't need that."

Steve smiles at Eda, and she returns the gesture. While they are comforting each other, the door creeks open. Eda and Steve both stand up, in a defense position, preparing for whoever will walk through those doors. King wakes up and crawls into Eda's hair and peeks out to see who it is.

"Lilith." Eda and Steve say simultaneously.

Lilith looks around to see if anyone was following her. She walks up to the prisoners and whispers "What are you guys doing! Our plan worked! This might be the dumbest idea you've ever had. Now I have to break you out of here!"

Before Lilith can cast a spell, Eda interrupts "Lilly No! It might sound crazy, but.... I can't even say it, it sounds so stupid." Eda places her hands on her temples, rubbing them, and coming to terms with the situation.

Steve notices this and finishes off Eda's thought "The Titan himself made this plan. We have to trust his plan."

Lilith stands with her eyes squinted, waiting for Eda and Steve to say sike "Do I look like a fool to you?"

"Well you always look like a fool, but that's beside the point." Eda says with a smirk but continues on "It's actually the Titan, and he's possessing Luz right now. I don't trust him one bit, but until then, he's all we have."

Lilith stands in front of the prisoners in disbelief "You mean to tell me... you let the Titan... possess Luz.... and now you let him LOOSE INSIDE THE EMPERORS CASTLE!"

Eda and Steve look at each other and just realized now what a bad idea that was "Well... when you put it like that... I guess it wasn't the best idea." Steve says admittedly.

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