The Library

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Dedicated to @Deltasd234. Your comment made my day and motivated me!


A place she was all too familiar with. The library. Luz stared at the grand doors, dreading her tutoring session with Amity.

"I bet Little Miss Perfect is already in there. Straight A', and her straight hair, and her straight..... WHATEVER!" Luz says to herself, in a mocking tone. Luz was so used to everyone liking her and respecting her, she didn't know how to act towards Amity. Does she just ignore her, or brag how she's basically the emperor's daughter.

Luz sighs and finally pushes the doors open to reveal the Boiling Isles Library. Even though she's not particularly happy to be there at the moment, Luz loved reading.

Steve would always come with her and read cool facts about the Isles, humans, demons, curses, etc. However, Belos gave Steve strict orders not to let Luz ever read fiction. As the emperor's daughter, Luz's mind couldn't be 'clouded' by all the nonsense. So Luz always headed straight for the non-fiction section. Because of Belos, she never had an interest in reading fiction anyway.

As Luz is walking around looking for the green-haired witch, she sees two older-looking witches, twins to be exact, with green hair. They seem to be holding a cat lunch box wandering around. Luz takes notice of the similar green hair and walks over to the twins.

"Excuse me, hi," Luz says quietly, "you wouldn't happen to be related to an Amity, would you?"

"Ha! Sure are! What gave it away." The girl asks, smirking at Luz.

"Come on Em. Obviously, the good looks run in the family." The boy states, moving his hand through his hair, smiling.

Luz stands there confused as to why these two seemingly normal and nice, while their younger sister is... well not the best at first impressions. "Great! I'm Luz. Your sister Amity is supposed to be tutoring me and I don't know where to find her. Can you help me out?"

Amity's sister smiles towards Luz "Of course cutie! I'm Emira and this is Edric. We're Amity's older siblings and we're on our way to her as we speak."

Edric interrupts "Yeah! We're here to give Mitten's her lunch. Follow us." As he swings the lunch box in the direction they're headed.

Luz smiles at how cool and laid back they are. The twins remind her a little bit of Steve, which comforts her.

As the three journey through the library, Luz notices that the twins are leading her towards the fiction section. Confused, Luz speaks up "Are you sure we're headed the right way? We're headed straight for the fiction section."

"Oh, we're sure. Mittens basically live here. Especially in her little hideaway." Ed and Em both laugh continue walking.

"Hmm if Amity is always here how come I've never bumped into her? And Mittens? What kind of nickname is that! I also wonder what they mean by hideaway?" Luz thinks as she follows the twins.

The three come to a stop at a table with Amity sitting alone, waiting for the human to arrive.

"Ohhhh Mittens!!!!" Em sings out loud, producing a shhhhh from the librarian.

Ed soon follows "Mom says stop forgetting your lunch."

Amity's face scrunches up and radiates heat. Luz laughs at the siblings' encounter and stays quiet, not wanting Amity to pass out of embarrassment or anger.

"Ok, you two, leave. I have to tutor this human, who's late by the way." Amity scolds Luz, then turns back to her brother and sister, "You know, responsibility. I know it's a big word for you two to grasp. So please, just leave."

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