The arrival

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As Luz walks through the glowing door, she is greeted by piles of human trash surrounding her. She looks around and noticed an opening in the tent. An orange-haired lady standing there holding the once live, now wooden owl in her hand. She seemed busy going through the bag the owl was carrying. So Luz thinks nothing of it and sneaks out of the tent and walks into town.

She starts to wander aimlessly, looking around and staring in awe. The things she saw were only in the stories her father used to tell her going to bed. Then it suddenly hit her, this is where her dad went. He used to say that no human can go here and now she realizes, this is why she couldn't visit him! Luz jumped at the thought and started asking random citizens if they knew where her dad was or if they have seen him.

As Luz continues her mission to find her father, she comes across two parents and asks the same question she's been asking all day. The mother scolds the child and turns to her twins, "See what happens when a child doesn't have parents. You two better learn to appreciate your father and I or you'll end up like this thing.". The father, however, just looks at his two-year-old daughter and picks her up away from Luz. The family then walks away and leaves two-year-old Luz alone.

It was starting to get dark and Luz was crying alone in the street. While she was crying she bumped into a guard who was a part of the emperor's coven. "Watch it, kid!". Luz apologizes and asks if he's seen her dad when suddenly a figure, about the size of Luz, appeared next to the guard. "Manners Steve, she's just a lost child trying to find her father. Now little one what is your name?". Luz stares at the creature standing before her, relieved someone is actually talking to her. "Ummm, my name is Luz and my daddy has been missing for a while now and I really miss him. Have you seen him?". Kikimora studies the child and notices her ears are found and realizes that she is human. "I'm not sure if I've seen him but I can sure help you. Why don't you come with me and we'll look for him on my way home ?". Luz is hesitant but agrees with a slight smile showing. "Steve, why don't you carry the poor thing. She's probably very tired from her long journey," Kiki said as she makes her way out of town. The guard complies and picks up Luz, to carry her to the emperor's castle.

As Luz approaches the castle she is greeted by many stares. Every step she takes is a new head-turning around just to stare at her. Luz grows shyer and tucks her head into Steve's cloak. Kiki orders Steve to put Luz down and Luz hesitantly grabs Steve's hand as they walk down the large hallway of the castle. Steve allows Luz to grab his hand and he smiles under his mask and squeezes her hand to let her know that he's there.

The three finally arrive at the entrance to the throne room doors, when Kikimora turns to Luz and Steve and tells them to wait here. She then walks into the room and closes the door behind her.

Luz looks up at Steve and asks "why do you wear that silly mask?". Steve laughs and kneels down to her level and holds both her hands, "I have to, it's part of my uniform to serve the emperor." "Why?" "Because it's a great honor.". Luz tilts her head, not understanding but just leaves the matter alone. Steve is growing to like Luz and asks how she got lost in the first place. Luz looks down for a second and thinks. "I'm not lost, my daddy is. As soon as I find him I'll go get my mom and we'll be a happy family again.". Steve looks at her with pity because he knows no mother would let their child wander alone the town of Bonesburrow knowingly. "That's a very kind thing for you to do kiddo, but where's your mom in all of this." "I don't know. Probably working. She always works" Luz looks down at her feet sad once again. Steve tries to think of something to cheer her up, but before he can the doors swing open.

"Well, what do we have here?". Steve immediately stands up straight and salutes to the emperor standing before him. Belos waves him off and Steve goes over to stand next to Kikimora, leaving Luz standing alone. Belos picks up the child and walks over to his throne with her. "Now it's come to my attention that your father and mother are nowhere to be found? Is that correct?". Luz nods, terrified of the figure holding her. "Not to worry my child. I will take you in and be your parental figure. You are a human so you are not born with magic but that is not a problem. You will be the second most powerful witch on the Boiling Isles. From now on you will call me father and treat me with respect. Is that understood?". Luz being an infant nods, thinking Belos is her father but with a mask on. "But what about mamá? She's sad that you've been gone.". Belos quickly responds "My child, your mother doesn't want you or she wouldn't have left you to be found. That is why you are here with me." Belos then puts Luz down and sits on his throne. "Kikimora, show Luz to her room, and tell her all about our history. I want her to get comfortable. And Steve, you are now promoted to Luz's personal guard. Do not let her out of your sight. Oh and do give her a tour, she needs to know her way around her new home."

Kiki and Steve lead Luz out of the throne room. As they exit the room Luz looks back at her found father and lets out a smile. The doors shut behind them, while another door opens for Luz's new life.

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