Date Night

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The Picture above is Dana Terrace's work. These are basically the outfits that Luz and Amity wear for their date, minus the masks and gloves. (And bags, but that's a given)

Is this getting too long and boring? Losing a little motivation. I feel like my writing is lacking lately.  Lmk what you guys think. Hopefully, it's the writer's block talking.


Lilith sits in her sister's unusual living room. She sits there, a little stiff with the news she has and doesn't know how to tell Edalyn without her blowing something up. Lilith struggles to find a comfortable spot on the couch while Eda makes two glasses of apple blood.

"You want it in a fancy glass I stole from that fancy restaurant? Or just a mug?" Eda screams from the kitchen.

Lilith rolls her eyes at her sister's criminal record and calmly responds "Edalyn, it doesn't matter. Just hurry up. I have some... News." Lilith now fidgets with her fingernails as she tries and thinks of ways this could possibly go.

The Owl Lady walks into the room with both hands occupied with glasses that looked like they were a fortune. Eda smirked knowing exactly what Lilith thinks of her stealing, but continues to give her the drink like nothing was wrong. Eda sits next to her sister and crosses her legs "Ok, now that I have my drink, what did you come here to talk about?"

Lilith downs her drink and cringes instantly "EDALYN! Your ratio for alcohol is... Wow... I'm definitely going to feel that later."

"Lilly you're supposed to enjoy the drink! Not finish it in one sip!" Eda is now laughing, trying to annoy her sister as much as possible "Well now that I know how your day is going. Spit out what you have to say. I have places to be, people to con!"

Lilith catches her breath and puts down her empty glass. She turns to Eda and looks directly into her golden eyes "So as you know I'm taking some time off work after witnessing Luz's... Bad side." The two get chills from the memory and Lilith continues "So that means Odalia is taking over my position and keeping me updated on all of the meetings."

Eda interrupts and scoffs "Ug! They let greeny's mother step up? What did that witch do now? Don't tell me! Let me guess... Is the age to join a coven lowered? Poor Blight kids."

"Edalyn no. Just listen for one second!" Lilith grabs her younger sister's attention which now looks worried "I don't know how to say this, but... Luz has made a declaration to reinstate the petrification process to criminals who are deemed unsafe to the commonwealth. Luz will personally choose each month from a list of prisoners who fit the profile. I just thought you should hear it from me before you heard it in town." Lilith looks at her now pissed-off sister.

Eda is angry. There's no other way to put it. If she could, her eyes would resemble Luz's eyes on Grom night. "That WITCH!" Eda stands and downs her apple blood. She then throws the glass, shattering it on the door.

The door swings open, and Hooty wines "HEEEYYYYY! WATCH WHERE YOU THROW YOUR GLASSES!!"

Eda raises her hand and just points at Hooty "Shut it Hooty!"

"Geez. All I want is a little respect. Just throw it at the fireplace next time. Ow. HOOT!" Hooty swings the door shut leaving the fuming witch and her sister alone.

"Odalia knew exactly what she was going to do. Wait for you to leave and jump at the chance to manipulate the kid into doing her dirty work." Eda growls and continues to rant, leaving Lilith to watch helplessly "Oh I'm gonna... I'm gonna kick her where the sun don't shine. Then I'm gonna... I'm gonna... I don't know!! I can't think I'm so mad!!"

Lilith stands in place and sighs "Edalyn." Eda looks up at her sister, still filled with rage "As much as I want to blame the Blight. The only one who can actually make a ruling is Luz. She is just as responsible, if not more for this."

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