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This chapter is like... really dark... oops
Also a pretty long chapter... again sorry for making it dark :/


Darkness. It surrounds Luz. She's all alone. "Hello?" Luz calls out into the abyss. She's looking around frantically for any signs of life. "Dad? Steve? Please is anyone there?" Suddenly, footsteps. All Luz could hear were footsteps, getting louder and louder. She starts to hyperventilate, scared of who or what is in this room with her, if this even is a room. "Who are you." Luz is now yelling while trying to figure out where she was. Suddenly, light. Luz was in her fathers throne room, alone. "Dad? Did I do something? HELLO?" Luz is now crying, trying to leave when she hears the heart above her stop. Her eyes widen, and she slowly turns around to see a figure sitting on her father's throne. "Who are you." The figure stands and walks towards Luz, slowly. Luz's heartbeat fills the room in place of the giant one above Belos' throne. The figure finally approaches Luz and stand quietly in front of her. She's against the door, frantic. She tries to be brave and steps toward the creature "I said, who are you." The creature reaches out and touches Luz's chest where her heart is, and Luz feels an unbearable pain.

Luz is now screaming, but still asleep. Willow and Gus both wake up to see what Luz is screaming about. Willow tries to wake the human, but to no avail "Gus go get Eda NOW!"

Gus runs through the owl house aimlessly. "EDAAAAA!!"

Then, Eda opens the door to her room, bed head and all "What! Stop screaming. Wow. You're more efficient then my alarm owl." Eda rubbing her eyes and walks towards Gus. "Now using our inside voices, why are you screaming Anton."

At the moment Gus doesn't care that Eda called him the wrong name, he's too worried about his friend "Luz is sweating and screaming in her sleep and she won't wake up."

Meanwhile, Willow and King are trying to hold Luz still Eda and Gus burst through the door. "What happened?" Eda now kneeling down next to Luz.

King is now shaking in fear for Luz "I don't know. One minute she's just sleep talking, and the next she's screaming. It almost looks like she's in pain." King's now holding the humans hand, hoping she's ok.

"Ok. Everyone stand back. Willow, I need you to tell me. Who do you know, that knows Luz the best?" Eda now taking Willow place holding her down.

Willow looks at Eda nervously "Umm I don't know. Luz is a very private person. Her brother works for the emperor's coven, so we probably can't call him. No one knows anything about her. Ummm maybe Amity?"

"Yeah. That's Luz's tutor. They're at the library almost everyday together." Gus buds in, to confirm Willow.

"Ok, I don't care if you have to kidnap her. Go get her now! Owlbert!! Take these two and go where they tell you to go! NOW." Eda now looking frantic herself.

Owlbert scoops the two young witches and flies out the window. Willow and Gus hold on as tight as they could, scared they might fall off. "Where do you think she is?" Gus asks trying his best not to look down.

"It's Sunday right?" Willow closes her eyes trying to think "She's at the market with her siblings. It's their day off from responsibility, every Sunday."

What usually feels like an hour, felt like 20 minutes. Willow and Gus see the green-haired siblings and land in front of them, instantly grabbing their attention.

"Willow? Long time no see. How've ya been?" Edric and Emira now smile at Amity's old friend, being genuine.

Amity however, doesn't smile, but keeps a straight face while looking at her ex-best friend. "Willow. Long time no see. What do you want."

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