The Titan

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I just thought the Titan and Luz deserved their own chapter. And we got a little Emperor B Man!
P.S Luz is still asleep... Just to remind ya...


"My dear child... I am the Titan."

Luz looks at the Titan standing in front of her, and starts bursting out in laughter "Ha! Yeah! And I'm the good witch Azura! Ha! Wow thank you for that! That just made my day! Now seriously."

The Titan is in its original form but not his actual size. "Why do you not believe me?"

"The Titan!?!? The Titan is dead. The Titan is the island. My father somehow is the only one to communicate with him through powerful magic. I'm not magic." Luz is still laughing in the Titans face.

"Yes, I communicate with the emperor. But he decides not to listen to me anymore. He's gotten too power-hungry and has ignored my wishes. I granted all of my power to him. Now I want to take it away for his disobedience and give you it." The Titan still calm not breaking the serious expression on his face.

Luz stops laughing and realizes that this isn't a prank "Wait. You're serious right now? What makes you think I won't do the same thing? The apple doesn't fall far from the tree."

The Titan continues "Luz, you are different than the emperor. Yes, he raised you, but so did Steve, and Lilith, and the rest of the coven. You have something that he will never have, and that's the compassion for others. The emperor wants all the power, he wants to rule under an iron fist. Anyone who defies his will, he petrifies. That is not my will. My true will is to have all the witches live freely in peace. He limits their power to control them."

Luz is now confused and is still processing that she's speaking to the Titan "Wait. So you want to take my father's powers, and give them to me? What will happen to him? I don't want him to get hurt." Luz is now considering accepting the power the Titan is offering but still looks out for her foster father.

The Titan sighs "You see, this is my point. You look out for everyone, no matter what. Unfortunately, my first attempt at a just ruler will be left with no power. What happens next will be up to you."

Luz looks down in guilt. She couldn't possibly do that to him. After all, he's done for her. Luz perks her head up and remembers something the Titan said prior "Wait. You said I was the second human to venture to the Boiling Isles. There was someone before me." Luz closes her eyes trying to remember "Roman! What happened to him."

The Titan smiles and is slightly impressed with the human standing before him "Oh Roman. Yes well, that's particularly a long story but. I visited him when he first journeyed to the Isles. I didn't know any better and I trusted him instantly. I was foolish to offer my magic immediately, but I did so anyway. Roman took it, and at first, he listened to me. We planned to make the Boiling Isles a prosperous place. As time went on, he started defying the little things first. Then he started to ignore the bigger request. I tried confronting him about it but then he shot me down almost immediately. He took everything. My plans to the Boiling Isles, my magic. He even took my name."

Luz looks at the Titan like a light bulb just went off inside her head. "Belos... BELOS  IS A HUMAN!"

The Titan Belos smiles once again. Impressed with Luz. "Precisely. My name is Belos. I am the fallen Titan on which you live on. I am alive through the magic flowing through this Island and through Roman's blood. And you Luz, you are the solution to everything."

"Why me. I can't do magic. You can't literally choose anyone on this Island. Choose Lilith! Or... or... just not me. That much power is way too big of a responsibility." Luz is now holding her head trying to grasp what's happening right now.

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