Chapter 35

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Time Jump (2 weeks)

Dylan's POV

Bob-Lee has been staying with me for the last few weeks and its been amazing, but he is about to leave to go back home, and I know I have made a family up here in Chicago but I was missing the south thought the sun and the dirt, urgh I do miss it, standing here in my kitchen getting lost in my own thought's.

But then my early morning thoughts were interrupted by a pair arms wrapping around my waist, and then there was a whisper in my ear "morning Dallas..." urgh his morning voice is so beautiful... then I replied "well good morning to you to Houston..." as he smiled at our nicknames, he kissed my cheek and then he unwrapped his arms and move over to the coffee machine.

Then I turned around and said "hey what are you doing a wake so early, I mean of course I am up due to the fact I have shift today but you....don't need to be a wake at this time..." and with that Bob-lee turned around and walked back over to me and said "well yes you are right that I don't need to be awake but I enjoy being awake with you before you go to shift and I am trying to spend more time with you before I head back home, even though that doesn't mean these changes anything between us Dylan, I really have enjoyed these past two weeks being here with you...."

Then I replied "yeah, these past two weeks have been magical and I wish I had more time with before you head home, I am not going to enjoy coming home to an empty house after shift...urgh but I understand you need to get back the ranch and the south." With that I went to go and get showered and dressed for work, but before I left the kitchen I heard him say "hey Beautiful as long as we share each other hearts we will never be alone, no matter how far apart we are." and I turned back and simply ran into his arms and kissed him, and then I said "my heart has been and will always be yours, Cowboy."  Then he put me down and pulled his arms back away from my waist and with that I went back to leaving the kitchen once again.

then once I was ready with my go bag, I walked down the hall and to the kitchen and leaned against the doorway just taking it all in as I wasn't ready to say what I was about to... but I knew I had to say goodbye to bob-lee, and with that I did, I of course also wished him a safe flight home, we kissed for the last time, for a long time but we did promise to facetime daily and he also promised to call when he landed back in Texas, urgh I wish I didn't have to say goodbye to him, but then that's life sometimes...

I pulled up next to the firehouse and parked my truck and I sat there watching the others arrive, I look at everyone and started to think how would the feel if I were to leave.... Would they understand?.... what would they do? Or say... I mean I loved working here and getting to be part the first responders family but I am actually happy here....or....maybe its time to go back to home.....

Maybe I need to talk to Jay about this, I mean I haven't had a chance to catch up with him recently so as I get out of truck I drop Jay a message seeing if is free for conversation tomorrow, and It didn't take long before I heard my phone ping, telling me I have received a message and I take a look at it, and jay had replied and said that he does have time tomorrow for a chat...and with that I walk into the house and start getting prepared for shift.

Jay's POV

I hadn't long been awake, when I heard my phone buzz on the bedside table and so I went to grab it to then see that I had got a message from Dylan, then opened my phone and looked at what she had sent me and without a second though I replied back telling here I would be free tomorrow afternoon for a catch up, I knew something was on her mind I mean to message me this early in the morning, that's unusual, even though she is a morning person but doesn't tend to send messages to me this early unless it's important...or she really needs to see me....

My Military/P.D Big brother (Jay Halstead X One Chicago)Where stories live. Discover now