chapter 14

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(A/N - just point out that text messages are going to underlined and phones calls will be in italics) 

Still Jay's POV

I thought to myself, did I just hear her right? She just asked me if I wanted to move in, that is a big step, but I think it the right move? Is it? Yes I love her, and I love Owen, this is differently the right time.

So walked over to her and pulled her into me and kissed her and then I said "I would love that, I would like to move in with you and Owen, I mean you too are already my family. She then kissed me back and said, "it doesn't have to happen straight away but at least we are at the same place with it as the next step right?" and I just nodded in agreement, then I said "it's going to be crazy telling Dylan and mouse who am I kidding everyone is going to crazy happy for us? And she smiled at me and said oh yea we will be the gossip of molly's and then we both laughed at that.

The next day:

I went to see mouse before heading to work and that meant I got to drop Natalie off at work, then I walked up to his room, he is doing great they are saying that he will be released tomorrow and then he is off to live with Dylan which I think will be good for the both of them.

I said "hey mouse hows it going, you ready to get out of here?" and he was like "its so great that I am finally getting out of a hospital bed and out of Med, but he had noticed my mood and then he asked "but you got something to tell me? You seem happier than usual? 

Then I replied with "well yes, it's very exciting news, because Natalie has invited me to move in with her and Owen at their house!" I said with a massive smile on my face and mouse said, "man that's great to hear, I'm so happy for you, you deserve this jay!". Then he was like "does Texas know yet?"

Just as mouse said that she walked in and then I heard., "have I heard what?, uh oh what are you Chicago boys planning? And we both laughed and both at the same time said, "nothing Little Sis" and mouse said "Jay's got some quite exciting news!" and she looked away from mouse and straight at me and said "I did think he seems to me happy about something?" and then mouse was like "oh come on jay tell her before I do".

Then I looked at her and told her what I told mouse and she was over the moon to hear that me and Natalie are going to be living together. She was like "jay that's amazing, you differently deserve this, I am so happy for you guys." And then I was like "oh yea and Owen called me dad for the first-time last night.

 Then Dylan was like "well that's great to hear jay, see didn't we always say that you would make a great dad someday and I guess this is your someday", then mouse said, "I agree with little sis, we did always that, and jay that's amazing to hear that he sees you as his dad!"

Then I got a phone call it was Voight, he said that we had caught case and that he would send me the address and with that he hanged up. I looked over at mouse and Texas and said, "sorry guys that was Voight looks like intelligence caught a case but catch up soon."

So I got to the scene of the case our team was going to look into, I was smiling and I couldn't hide how happy I was, when the others saw me, they all noticed my good mood, after we briefed about what had gone down and Voight had given out his orders, even Voight had noticed how happy I was.

He looked at directly at me, and said what has got you in such good mood this morning? And I turned to him and the rest or the team and said "well, umm Natalie and I are taking the next step in our relationship, she asked me to move into her and Owens house and last night Owen call me dad too, so yeah I am feeling like I am top of the world." Of course they all congratulated me and even Voight said, "jay that is some great news and we shall all celebrate this at molly's but for now lets all focus on the case."

(couple of hours later)

I was sitting at my desk, when I felt my phone vibrate I had got a text from Natalie

Text conversation:

Her message: hey Jay, do you want to tell Will about us moving in together or do you want me to say something, before he finds out through someone else? Xx

My reply: hey, babe umm yeah I have no problem with you telling him I mean he should hear it through one of us, but I will give him a call anyways today, he was on my list to see the morning but I only managed to talk to mouse and Dylan. Xx

About Half an hour later, I got a call from Will: 

He said, "hey little bro, congratulations on the news of the fact Owen called you "daddy" and that you are moving in with them, I am guessing you will be needing a hand moving out of your apartment?

I just laughed, said "thanks man, look I was going to tell you myself, but I didn't see at med this morning, but thanks and yeah I will probably need a hand or two when I plan to move out."

Will response: "ahh Jay don't worry about it, plus me and Natalie are good friends so at least I heard from one of yous than through a nurse as this place seems to love gossip." With that comment we both laughed.

I was then like "look Will I have to go, we caught a case this morning and we just got a lead, so catch up at molly's tonight?

Will replied, "yeah I totally get it, we are pretty busy too today so catch you tonight, bye Jay."

I said back: "bye will."

the phone call ends and we both hang up.

Back to the case, we working all angles on this but by the end of the day we where close just not close enough to arrest a suspect yet though, but Voight called it a night and we all headed to molly's for a drink, I couldn't wait to see Natalie again.

As we walked in, I saw the usual crew of 51 and the guys from med.

I saw my brother walk over to me with two beers in his hand, he handed one of them to me and pulled me in to a hug and said again "congrats bro". he said oh yeah, Mouse got released from hospital this afternoon, so Dylan took him home to her place. I said, "that's great glad to hear it, that he is finally out of that room and that bed."

Speaking of the devil of himself, he walked through the door and everyone cheered as he entered, he said "Aww thanks everyone for that warm welcome home." Then Natalie came over to me, she had Owen in her arms and she said "wow what a turn out, such a great night to be celebrating us taking the next step in our relationship and the fact that mouse is finally out of hospital and now is home recovery stage."

 she looked at me and smiled, I bent down and kissed her and said yeah it is a great night to be celebrating with the whole family and then we both looked around and laughed. 

then the song: Despacito came on over the speaks and everyone in molly's got up and the whole place was really enjoying everyone's company. the best night at moll's that i have had in a long time. 

(Author's note: i will through a link down bellow of the cast dancing to this song after they had finished a interview its not my video! just as a special treat for you all!)

My Military/P.D Big brother (Jay Halstead X One Chicago)Where stories live. Discover now