Chapter 6

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The team collectively said yes if your buying? And we all laughed, as we walked out.... Few minutes later turning up at mollys and walking in and seeing everyone was a wicked feeling but there was one face missing as I searched the crowd.

Then Natalie walked over to me, she said "hey, if your looking for Texas she's not here yet, I went ahh well then I guess I can chat to other special girl in my life as smiled at her she slightly blushed at me and we got talking about each other's day, and we did mange to plan our first date.....

Then an hour passed........

Dylan POV

I was ready to for my bed I was super tired but I did promise Jay I would catch him at Mollys as I got back to my place I love getting home cause I have three dogs and they are amazing and if you are wondering my friendly neighbor, she is a retired social studies lecturer her name is Julie Watson, she hasn't long sadly lost her husband, and she actually hasn't had anyone around for a long time, you see I live in a cabin down by on the lakes on the outskirts of Chicago I ain't a city girl, I grew up on ranch, not far anyway from Austin, Texas.

So we made a deal that she will take them during the time on shift, she's amazing help, even though chief Boden did say I could take them to work with me but I might just get settled in to the firehouse before I let the hounds lose.

Oh right I should introduce them, so I have Diesel she is 3-year-old Belgian Malinois but her colour is quite dark, then I have to Doberman pinschers called Shadow and Storm who are brothers and are 2 years old. Also everyone gets confused with diesel since she has a male name but is a female.

  Also everyone gets confused with diesel since she has a male name but is a female

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(added the photos to give you guys an idea of what the Dylan's dogs look like)

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(added the photos to give you guys an idea of what the Dylan's dogs look like)

So I walked through my front door and got the best welcome ever!, I took them out on a hike and then got ready and I thought you know what I shall take the pack with me tonight, so they are super behaved they were all trained by the military by due to some behaviour temperaments they weren't actually used so my friend from Texas asked if I would take them on and of course I said yes.

So I whistled and they came and sat by the front door and waited until I told them they could follow me out my Jeep Wrangler and then we headed off to mollys......

So I whistled and they came and sat by the front door and waited until I told them they could follow me out my Jeep Wrangler and then we headed off to mollys

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(Photo of Dylan's car above)

Then we arrived I jumped out and went to the get the pack out and the waited until I put all there leads on before the jumped out the back of the car.... Then I walked through the door to mollys

Jay came over and said "hey I thought you might have forgotten to come? I replied "me forget about the beer you owe me?, never hahaha. Then Brett went you were not kidding when you said you have a mini pack of dogs huh? Ah Brett I was not but theses guys are super friendly and just the best dogs I could ask for.

Then the dogs eventually settled after meeting everyone in the bar ans sat a smiled at them, when Jay interrupted me by asking how the rest of shift went? And I looked at him and said I went great thanks, I really quite enjoyed, I differently think I am going to stick around which means your going to put up with me again as we looked at each we both burst into laughter that practically filled mollys.

Yet again it was another great night of sharing stories and cases and talking about different topics in general, I looked around and then it hit me this is now my new family, I am starting to love each and everyone as family. 

My Military/P.D Big brother (Jay Halstead X One Chicago)Where stories live. Discover now