Chapter 30

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Dylan's POV: 

I was lying in bed, starring up at the ceiling with memories flooding my head, from my past but also the memories from difficult calls we have had this week and so not being able to sleep the usual outcome, so with that I got up and out of the bunkbed as quietly as I can to make sure I don't wake up my fellow housemates who were all fast asleep around me.

I got out the bunkroom and headed straight for my locker and found what I was craving, which was a cigar, I then stood there looking at this cigar and remembering how this was one of my vices, which i have had for a long time. I was standing there lost in thought, about if this was right thing to do to fall back onto this way of coping with life.

Me and my boys, always used smoking as a way to destress or using as a coping method. yet again i am still standing here at my locker has brought back so many memories, all of them where good ones, us mostly drinking, smoking and chatting around a bonfire sitting in the desert, I bring myself back to reality, and then I see two peoples shadows out the corner of eye, and so then I look down the line of lockers and I find that the shadows belonged my brothers, Casey and Severide who were just standing there looking back at me.

They both lifted their hands up and opened them and I saw they were always holding cigars, then that's when I heard Kelly say, "we couldn't let you smoke alone?, we know you need one, and we are here for you, so come on lets go for a smoke break they both open their arms and I just nodded in response, walked towards them and they stick their arms around me and pulled me in to both of them.

We share a bond, a sibling one of course I see Casey and Severide as my big brothers, they love looking out for everyone within this firehouse family, I genuinely enjoy our chats and we don't always smoke cigars, we sometimes just chill out and be each other's ears and we problem solve together, work through personal crap.

We headed up to the roof are little private spot and I was the first to sit down and then I started to stare up at the stars, I stared to feel more relaxed and better, looking up at the stars has always helped me get through life ever since I was young.

Severide's POV:

I was tossing and turning trying to relax, when I heard someone shifting about in the main bunkroom, I had noticed it was phoenix she also seemed a bit unsettled tonight, so I saw her sneak out the bunkroom, but I hadn't been the only one as I sat up I looked around and caught Casey sitting on his bunk looking like he was also having no luck in the sleep department.

 Casey had also caught the disappearance of Phoenix from the bunkroom so we got out of our rooms, then we both sneaked through the bunk room and we went on the hunt to see if we could find her, just to check in with her and make sure she is good, we had a couple of real bad calls over the last few shifts so keeping every in check and in good shape.

We found her in the locker room staring into a bliss basically, but we knew what needed to happen so we both went to our lockers and found our stash of cigars, walked back around to where she caught our shadows, and here we are on the roof top of the firehouse star gazing while having a smoke, it was so relaxing.

I looked over to Dylan, and said "so you want to spill whats on that mind of yours and how come you can't seem to sleep?" she eventually spoke up and said "honestly, the week we have had, I am surprised there isn't more of us unable to sleep, I guess we just hold on to bad memories or events more than the others" she took a breath and carried on "urgh my mind is filled of memories the good and the bad, but damn I just can't get that call out of my head, I mean god damn I just couldn't stop that poor boy , it just sucks when you lose a life."

Then Casey popped up and said "I understand why you are so tough on yourself, for what happened on that call, I know you are trying to balance the scales, but it was not your fault you and Brett did everything in your power to save him, I know that you understand that feeling of power in your hands but that boy had taken in so much water that even if we had got him out 10 minutes earlier he mostly still wouldn't of made it." And he patted her back as tears where starting to fill her eyes.

You see our girl here, Dylan Jones she's see life and death differently to most, she has this understanding about death and life and how they work together or sometimes against each other, she has taken so many souls from this world, and all she wants is to balance out to save just as many souls, so when you lost patient like that who had fought so hard to keep breathing then lose him before he really had that second chance its tough one.

Dylan has a had a second shot at life, she believes the afterworld was ready for her yet, and how her call to the fire department, was try and help reset the balance of souls, she is surprising spiritual which differently has surprised a few around here but its differently hard to see someone you care so much about have a hard time coping with the losses of this job, she can't understand why it happened, but everyone has a death day, and some souls are just meant to die, and some just can't be saved, from their own fate.

We chilled out more and me and Casey shared how we had felt too, about the last couple of calls we had, you see it's so great being to speak to Dylan, she is someone who just understands us guys and how we show are feelings, maybe it's cause she's always been around boys, but she differently seem to know when us boys are not right in the head and we need to go have a chat.

We put out our cigars, and we had back in we all say goodnight to each other before we head back to our own bunks and like that we were all out like a light. We all woke up to bells ringing out, all hands-on deck, there had been a four-car pileup crash in middle of a junction.

We all arrived on scene and got to work, checking out the cars seeing which victim needed more immediate help, and all working together got the cars apart, handed over patients to the ambo crews, and within Half an hour the call was over, we started clearing the road, when we saw Ambo 61 pull up and the girls jump out and got stuck in and helped to clear the road.

After, we stood as a house in the middle of this junction, all looking at one another, thinking about the close calls and how the patients arrived at the hospital still breathing, for the first time that week we at firehouse 51 hadn't lost a life on a call!, all we did was stand there holding one and another remembering how precious life really is.....

We all got back to the house just as 2nd shift where arriving that signals to us that the shift is finally over and what a week and what a shift it had been, Herman had already announced that drinks at mollys tonight will be on the house, which everyone cheered for! As yeah it's been a tough one but it hadn't stopped us from doing our jobs or broken this family, we were all thankful that we were going home, no one is injured or anything.

We all waited for everyone before we left the house after a week like that, it's always great to walk away as a family, that's what we did then I noticed a male figure by Dylan's car, I mean at first I think its Marshall, but as we got closer he didn't seem familiar to me and so since, she was walking with Brett and kid they had linked arms , I look over to her and said "hey who's that standing by your car?"....

My Military/P.D Big brother (Jay Halstead X One Chicago)Where stories live. Discover now