Chapter 39

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Matt's POV

As I started walking back to where I last saw Dylan, all these thoughts started running through my mind on how I didn't spot this? Or how did I not know she was injured? How was she able to hide this....

Then all of sudden I hear this little whisper... so I stopped and called out PHOENIX..... PHOENIX IF U CAN HEAR MAKE A NOISE!.... silence fell again.... but then I heard it "Casey I'm here...

I started to move towards the sound and eventually I found her, so I radioed 51, saying I found her, they all came running over, Brett and Severide started to assess her injures and within minutes she was bandaged up and put onto the stretcher, Brett jumped in the back and Herman jumped into the driver's seat.

Then with the firetrucks surrounding the ambo we got Dylan straight to med and as we entered Dr. Choi and Dr. manning, Maggie, and April where all on hand to assess Dylan... then we all sat down in the waiting room not wanting to leave her.. here alone, chief called it in and we where now off call until further notice.

Then I said to chief that someone should call halstead, to inform him on whats happening, Severide said he would call him, we agreed and with that Severide stepped out and made the call.

Kelly's POV

I made the choice to phone halstead, as I had his number and we are pretty good friends,

Phone call:

J = Jay / K = Kelly

J: hey Kelly, whats up?

K: umm Jay, something has happened with Dylan, she has been injured on the job, and is now currently at med, she has lost a lot of blood we think she got the first injury which looks to stab wound in the abdomen area on a previous call and maybe she just didn't have chance to get it checked out, which then resulted in her losing blood a collapsing and gaining another injury to the back of the leg, she has been in and out of consciousness.

J: holy crap, what an eventful last shift, ok thanks Kelly, have you contacted Swagger yet or not?, wow I am on my way now mate.

K: yeah its been pretty eventful and no, we haven't as we don't have a contact number from him.

J: alright, I will do it on my way over to med, see you guys soon.

Jay's POV

As I get off the phone, everyone in the bullpen, was looking at me knowing something bad has happened as I had come cross quite worried and all I said "hey Voight, I have to go to med its Dylan she has been injured on the job and she is in quite a bad way at med." And without even a verbal response he gave me the nod and everyone else said "there well wishes and then Voight said, "hey keep us informed, Jay." I just nodded back and then I was gone, I jumped into the truck and started to drive and on my way I phoned Bob-lee....

Phone call:

J = Jay / BL = Bob-Lee

BL: yo man whats up, have you heard from Dylan I haven't been able to get in contact?

J: umm, yeah there's a reason why, she's had a pretty busy shift, but Swagger I'm phoning you right now cause your girl Dylan is currently at Med getting treated for injuries which she got from to separate call outs, the first is a stab wound to abdomen area possibly the liver? And the second is a piece of glass has pierced to back of her calf.... And so I have just got this information and firehouse 51 doesn't currently have access to your contact number...

BL: holy shit!, Fuck man.... Right I am coming back to Chicago the first plane I can catch I will be on it, yo man you know she hates Hospitals, I mean we all have that fear.... Oh my days and on her last shift damn this girl has some bad luck.....

J: yeah Swag, I get it.. let me know when u catch the flight, and I will get Mouse to come get you..

BL: yeah Halstead, will do buddy, just promise me jay you ain't gonna leave her side.

J: man, I promise I wont leave her until you arrive.

Then with that we hang up and I carry on to get to Bed, as I arrive I find out that Dylan has been rushed over to surgery as she is internally bleeding, and with that I sit down with everyone else in the waiting room waiting for more news.

I dropped mouse a message, to let him know about Jones and that I said he could pick Swag ger up from the airport when he lands, he replied with that he was happy to do so and to keep him informed on her condition.

Dylan's POV

I was falling in and out of consciousness but lying here in the rubble of a train me thinking, am I gonna die... I can't die... not now... but then I hear Casey calling my name, I knew I had to pull my strength and make a sound so he could find me and he did, then everyone else arrived and they patched me up and stuck me in the back of the ambo and I knew I was going to be ok....

Well I hoped I would be, I mean I have been so close to death to many times, but this time I wanted to live more than ever, Swagger, that's who I'm fighting to live for and my life in the south,... oh how my last shift has been to eventful....

I knew I was at Med, I could see Dr. manning and Choi, then I could see April and Maggie assisting them too, they all knew how bad it was and before I knew it... my heart rate started to drop....

With that I was then rushed straight to surgery... and all I could hear was the sound of my heart.....

Thumping sound was getting slower... then I could catch that beeping sound... then I closed my eyes......

My Military/P.D Big brother (Jay Halstead X One Chicago)Where stories live. Discover now