Chapter 36

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Dylan's POV

I eventually got of the phone to bob-lee and made my way back inside but before I entered I stood there taking it all in, this opportunity, the family I have made here in Chicago, and I am so thankful for all the memories and for everything this city has given me over the last god knows how many months, I mean I know its coming up to year as I am soon to be 28 years old.

I can't believe how my life had been over the past year, it's been lovely having this chance to a part of such a close net group again, but I am now thinking it's time that I face my past and I believe it's the right choice for me to go back to Texas I mean bob-lee did ask me to move in with him on his family estate, but I just don't know how to tell everyone or what on earth Jay is going to say but I guess only time will tell.. plus I know I need to talk to Jay first before anyone else..

Thing is I know I am going to miss this place like crazy, but it will always hold a special place in my heart and I mean I come and visit it's not like I am dying and I am never going to be able to see my Chicago blood again.

Time jump:

I arrived home, to find Jay had already picked my hounds up from Julie and he was sitting on the bench in my garden and as I parked my car, I smiled jumped out and said, "damn Halstead, you even beat me home!" and I smiled back at me and said, "yeah well I wanted to be here when you got off shift as I know this conversation is an important one by the way you messaged me."

Jay's POV

After we said our hellos and Dylan had gotten changed, as we where heading out for walk, there was a pleasant silence between us and its was kind of peaceful silence between us but then as we got into the swing of the walk, I started by asking her the question....

"so Texas what did you talk to me or even tell me?" and it didn't take her long to respond to my question, "well Jay, Ummm you see.....Bob-lee asked me to move back to Texas... umm well more specifically his ranch, he asked me to move in with him in Texas.... And that's means I am leaving Chicago, you, firehouse 51, the first responders family..."

"the thing is I knew this was never going to permanent, because i am officially homesick I miss the south and Texan dirt and i miss the heat, but I never thought I would be leaving or heading home so....soon again."

I mean this didn't take me by surprise, as I knew how much bob-lee means to her and their relationship is special and beautiful and I know how happy she will be back in Texas with her man but I does mean I am going to have say goodbye to my sister....again....but this time I know its not going to a forever thing and I know she will come back and visit us but not seeing her on the regular its going to be weird.

Then I heard Dylan say "Jay, are you there?... you haven't said the last 5 minutes!...."

So I snapped out of my trance and said "oh sorry I was processing the information....and Dylan you should do it, you should go back to Texas, as I know that's where you are going to truly happy and trust me everyone around here is going to understand you leaving and following your heart,
as that man is good for you....

and hell yes Chicago will miss like crazy but we can come visit and you can come back, I knew you weren't expecting to live up here in the north for as long as you have but I am proud of you and I am fucking grateful that you stuck around, for both of our mental health sakes.... I take a breath and then i carried on..

but if your ready to go back to your home state then you should go but you will and you shall never be forgotten here in Chicago."

And with that I grabbed her arms and pulled her into a bear hug, and we stood there holding each other for a while, that's when I whispered in her ear "I love you Dylan jones, your best little sister from another mother a brother could ask for." And heard her voice saying "oh Jay you're amazing and I love you to, brother from another mother.... And you know that I will only be a phone call away anytime night or day."

I nodded back in response, I then asked her if she had you told anyone else about this yet?" and she turned to me and she replied by saying, "nope not as of yet I mean Brett, knows I am considering moving but I didn't say I actually was though."

Before we knew it we were back at her house and that's when we parted ways, and we said our goodbyes and I headed off as I had received a call about case towards the end of our walk and with that I drove off and headed back into town and I looked back to see Dylan standing there waving me off, I sat there thinking 'god I am gonna miss her, when she eventually moves back to the south.'

Dylan's POV

After Jay had left my place I phoned Boden and told him that I am leaving the Chicago fire department, and then I told him about how I was going back to the south, and he was upset and sad that he was losing one of the best EMTs the firehouse had seen in a long time but he understood the circumstances on why I am leaving but I had told him that I wanted to tell the house myself and that I was going to do it at mollys tonight.

Then with done, I knew I had one more shift at firehouse 51, and with that in mind I knew I needed to tell the house tonight that I will no longer be apart of their house or fire service after that shift, oh its going to be a hard conversation to have, as they made me a part of their family and their house they have trusted me on calls and off them, in and out that house.... Oh its going to painful telling them I am leaving Chicago and heading back to the south but these things have to be done.

I then spent the rest of day, finding all my boxes and sorting out flights and transport to get my belongings back to Texas, and before I knew it, it was the evening and then I fed the dogs got changed and headed out to mollys and once I arrived I saw the place was packed and I saw all the people that I had made friends and that I saw as family there, and I started to get a bit tearful and thought that I was about to tell them I am leaving."

So I walked over to the bar, Stella handing me beer, without any thought, and I just smiled back and I looked around taking mollys in.....that's when Brett walked over to me and asked "Phoenix, are you alright?" and with that one question... mollys had fallen slient and as I looked around I saw Boden give me a supportive nodded and so did Jay.

"Ummm well actually I have some news, now this decision was a tough one, as you all have made Chicago feel like home to me and you welcomed me into this life of the first responders and to the family...

but my time here as an EMT is coming to end, as of next shift I am officially leaving the Chicago fire department, and I will be packing up my house and shipping myself and my belongings back to Texas...."

Tears forming more in my eyes.....

"you see I love you all and I loved this year, but there is someone waiting for me in Texas and a life that's waiting for me there too...

I am moving in with bob-lee in Texas, I am finally going back to my home state and I am so ready to get back home and bob-lee is the reason I am wanting to go home..."

My Military/P.D Big brother (Jay Halstead X One Chicago)Where stories live. Discover now