Chapter 24

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*Watch out there is a lot of swearing in this chapter* i hope you guys enjoy....

Jay's POV

We managed to close the case, but Voight told me to ride the desk and did I listen to him...

No is the answer and now here I am sitting on the back of Ambo with a very bad bruise, and I know what was coming from Sergeant and yea he flew of the rail and he told me to take some time off and get myself in check he even suggested that I spoke to pro about whats going but I didn't like that idea but he told me that I wouldn't be aloud back until is was mentally cleared.

Then Natalie turned up, and I generally started to smile, then the first thing that came out was "oh Natalie I am so sorry for what I have done and what I put you through, I mean I did warn you I am not a very easy person to be around or with." Then I heard her sweet voice reply with "oh Jay I understand, all of this but please next time let me in and maybe this wouldn't have ended up with you being shot! Or you falling out with those siblings of yours?"

Then I looked up and said, "well Voight has banned me from work until I get Psych help, so do you know  any good therapists?" and then she sat down next to me and I leaned my head on her shoulder and she replied "I am sure I could ask Dr. Charles and see if he knows anyone that might be right for your case? Or you could ask your sister as I am sure she would know someone as I know she has seen someone for the same reason?"

Then I looked up at her and replied "well that depends on if she's going to talk to me again? I mean we didn't leave on very good terms and do you see her around right now?, but I guess I could try to fix that bridge..." 

then she said "Jay she has always had your back but she finds it hard to see you like this! And Jay you got shot and ok there is no external bleeding and it's not life threatening, but I am sure you know how hard it would be for her to come and see you in this state!"

Then all I did was nod in response, then the ambo crew wanted to take me to med just for double check over which was fine with me I understood there reasons why.

Dylan's POV

I was currently working out in the gym, yeah I have gotten back into boxing and martial arts too, its great why to defend oneself and that's when I got the call from Hailey telling me that Jay had been shot but his vest caught the bullet, and that he is currently heading to Chicago Med to get checked out by the Doctors just as double check over and he may have to stay for 24 hrs and I told her thanks for letting me know about what happened, i had been worried about him more than usual and i knew this was coming and i had feeling he would put himself in danger, but I was sure if I was ready to talk or face Jay yet I had a lot on my mind....

Marshall has gone back to the warzone of course we still talk but just as friends but he has recently gone radio slient on me just like my brother mouse as haven't heard from mouse in a few days, since he went on mission a couple days ago? Then fucking jay goes gets myself shot at work! great timing Jay.

Then I finished up in the gym and after I had shower and got changed, and then I headed over to MED to check on my Brother, I mean it doesn't matter what happens we should still be there for one another.

I got to MED and walked through reception and I saw Maggie at the nurses desk and she tells that Jay has been moved to the ICU and he was in room 644, and I couldn't talk so I just nodded as way of saying thank you, as I headed on up I bumped into Nat and she said "oh he will be so happy to see you Dylan." And also I said back was "well we shall see."

You see I was seriously pissed at him, I knew this was going to end badly and I mean I could of ended worse but he still got shot because he was too Fucking stubborn to listen to anyone and if he had then he wouldn't be lying in the hospital, but this is Jay we are talking about.

My Military/P.D Big brother (Jay Halstead X One Chicago)Where stories live. Discover now