Chapter 37

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Dylan's POV

The whole bar was dead slient, they were all taking in the information I just told them...then I heard Brett say "well partner its been one hell of crazy ride with you over the last year! But I know in my heart that this move for you Is right, I know so because three days out of seven we are with each other for 24 hrs. and I know you are homesick and very much missing the south, so it will be sad to see you leave Chicago but we know you will be back here soon enough to visit us!"

Then Severide said "yeah Phoenix, Brett is right I think we as in everyone here knew this was never going to be forever for you as initially you came here to give Jay a helping hand, but you slowly became a friend to us and then family to firehouse 51 when Brett asked you if you could help out on 51, and you will be missed by everyone as you aren't just Jay's sister anymore you have become mine, Casey's, Cruz's, Kidd's little sister, Herman's adopted daughter and then Mouch's and Boden's daughter/ niece. Well Jones u get the point, we are all so grateful for your advice, strength and friendship and you will be missed but we all know that you belong in the south though I mean come on I don't think you would be able to survive another Chicago winter! Haha."

The whole bar erupted into laugher at Severide's last comment, me included as I differently did indeed struggle through the winter. Then once everyone had said their part, it finally sung in that yet again I am leaving my second family, then with that I snuck out the bar and headed for my truck, when I heard a familiar voice say, "leaving so soon?" and I turned around to see mouse standing there, a smile appeared on my face as ran back and hugged him, then I said, "nah not even close to leaving yet one more shift then you can rid of me!" I jokily say to him.

Then Jay stepped out but actually didn't look as shocked to see mouse as I was.... Then I put together and then I said, "so you knew he was home, didn't you Halstead?" and my big bro nodded as a reply and I smiled at both, them and Jay said, "well I couldn't let leave without saying goodbye to mouse now could I we are your older military brothers and all". I just smiled back at them both and said "well I do love my brothers!, and your right Jay I don't think I could leave this town without a goodbye send off military style..."

The boys looked at each other than looked at me, and we all just laughed, then mouse said, "well then that what we shall do on your last night here in Chicago." Then I did say my goodbyes and headed of home.

Time skip:

I have been packing up my house, sorting everything out with help from the family of course, and it was great way to spend the last few days joking around and taking trips down memory line with everyone, with that thought my alarm went off and that I was officially awake for my last shift as a Chicago's fire departments EMT, urgh It feels weird knowing that today was my last shift at 51, as there is a part of me that doesn't want to leave this family.... But I know where I need to be.

Firehouse 51:

Once I arrived at work, that's when I really started to sink in that this will be the last 24 hours that o work with Brett on Ambo 61, the last shift I work with these firefighters, urgh hell am I doing the right thing...packing up leaving this city...and going back to the south....

But then my thoughts were interrupted, by the bells ringing out – ambo 61, Squad 3 roll out to this (Address)

Once we arrived on seen at the warehouse, me and Brett looked at each other and then a young girl came running out, shouting, and asking us to follow her, we didn't even bother to wait for squad we knew it was not good by this girls reaction.

Well it wasn't her friend had fallen down this whole in the floor and got penetrated by a rotting / rusty pipe, without a second thought, I grabbed hold of the young girl, she was slipping in and out on conscious and she started to fall down the whole too even worse and she was losing a lot of blood.

Then Squad 3 turned up just on time, Severide to see what happened and I told him exactly what they needed to do, but this is I was hanging down with the patient at this point and I could feel something sharp digging into me but I wasn't going to let this girl go and I knew what the consequences where....

By the time the boys got the pipe removed from the wall and had managed to safely remove us both without further injury, we got the patient out and straight into the ambo, of course I took the wheel and Brett was in the back, we got to med and hand the patient over to the crew at the door, and just as we did, we then got called to another scene, this time a young woman in labour, that was a lot more easier than the last call, me and Brett worked together to bring in the new life, and then we got mum and baby to the hospital for a check over.

Then we finally made it back to the house, then the bells ring out, for everyone as there had been a train crash, we all arrived the scene was full on chaos.

I managed to quickly patch myself up, before heading out with Brett to start setting up triage and more ambos started to arrive taking the most critical ones straight to med, I then get called in by Casey to assist them on the train they had a patient stuck between the chairs, and as I stood up I felt the ripping pain through my abdomen but composed myself again, went to find Casey.

Then we work together and got the patient stable so they could get them out, then once we got the boy out, I noticed the blood started to seep through the bandage and I mentally said, "damn it".

Brett's POV

I looked over and saw Jones holding her stomach in pain before she headed to help Casey, I knew something wasn't right, but there was just no time to get to the bottom of it right now, but I think she might have been injured on that first call and just hasn't said anything.

Then before we all knew it, the call was over and all the victims well living ones had been shipped off to hospitals all across Chicago, and now I can turn my attention to Dylan, actually where is she?"

I started to look around, but no sign of her anywhere and so I headed back to the Ambo and to see she wasn't there! Boden had noticed me starting to look a bit panicked and asked. "Brett whats wrong?" and I simply said, "where's Dylan?" I haven't seen her since she went to help Casey.....

My Military/P.D Big brother (Jay Halstead X One Chicago)Where stories live. Discover now