chapter 3

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(Author's note - this was just say that Tristin Mays the actress in the photo above, is how i see Dylan in this story. she play's a character called Riley in Macgyver reboot. plus sorry if the original photo made this chapter confusing the photo was up there to describe the setting for this chapter.)

The Next day me and jay met for lunch, and we got talking, he told me about what happened on his last case. 


I was sitting there across from Dylan and I spilled everything that I had been bottled up over the last few weeks, I started off with everything that went down with Erin and how she just left with no goodbye, she sat there listening to me, she has never judged me she was just the best type of friend.

I went ok now your turn.

She looked at me and she said "well I'm currently dealing with nightmares, from all the tours I have been on but recently is more about the crash (that happened over a year ago) and so I haven't exactly been sleeping recently, but last night I did seem to sleep better than I have I guess telling you last night about the crash did help to get out there."

We sat there for the whole afternoon, I got the day off from work as I really needed to get myself back on track and Voight signed off on being on recovery which is true I have been struggling mentally and being here with Dylan just seems to be a dream I still can't quite believe she's here.

Dylan looked up at me and said "I'm glad I came to find you and I found in time, and she said I know how bad your PTSD can get Jay", I said "well your PTSD seems just as bad as mine so I'm glad you can still trust me with your mental health Dylan", she went "I will always trust my big brother with my shit" then we both laughed.

Its good getting everything out on the table and being able to put the trouble in my past, I carried on telling her about the case and about the young girl who was a victim to MY Bullet! It has really stuck in my mind.

Dylan did look at me and she said this "Jay Halstead you have one of the best shots, and you are one very skilled shooter and trust me when I say if I was in your shoes that day I would of made that same shot, no questions asked." 

"You didn't know that the day care was even there, you came under fire and used your training from the military and the police academy and you dealt with the situation and I'm deeply sorry about the girl who fell victim to this shooting but I don't let this drag down and you drown where you stand."

My head was in my hands and my elbows where leaning on the table and I looked up and I said, "Thank You Dylan for listening and for the advice." She said, "I am not done yet, look I know you loved Erin with everything you have, but its time to let go of that chapter and turn the page and found someone knew."

She went on to say "I know you were going to ask her to marry you, but don't let her memory keep you in the past because; your amazing, kind and super great guy and there is a girl out will be head of heels for that love from your big heart.

I then asked her "what about your heart?" she looked up "urgh I thought I found the guy he is in the navy sailor named Jaxson miller he was this caring guy." "Sadly it didn't work out in the end and it really did hurt when we called it quite as I didn't realize how much I had fallen in love with him."

I said to her "damn should I go beat his ass for you?" she smiled and said "don't worry my crew boys got there first, we both just laughed! "thanks Jay I would have loved to see you beating his pathetic ass up, but I moved on and I'm ready to find some new, I mean Adam Ruzek seems like a lovely guy and who know what could happen?

I wiggled my eyebrows at Jay he said " no just no, my team is off limits to that perfect heart of yours!" and I laughed at how protective he was of his team and my heart and then I did say "hey I was joking I wouldn't go after anyone on your unit I promise." Jay did then say but I saw the way you where checking out Lieutenant Matt Casey?

she was like "wait he's a Lieutenant damn, now I could roll with that" and smiled at each other, and she then said well what about that DR. was it Manning??"

(Authors note - imagine that Will and Natalie are not a couple and they never had feelings for one another in this story, they are just good friends!)

Then I looked right at her, "what do you mean About Natalie manning?, oh come on Jay she is your type of girl? Or are you to scared to make a move cause she works with your brother?"

i looked at her and said well "i have just got out of a relationship Dylan!, but your right there is something about Natalie that i do like and damn i forgot you knew what my type was." and then she went "well its a fresh start Jay so take jump and put yourself out there and see what she says?"

My Military/P.D Big brother (Jay Halstead X One Chicago)Where stories live. Discover now