Chapter 5

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Chapter Five:

Added information about Jay and Dylan:

(just to say that jay is like 30 years old – he also has been in the police force for about 5 years (since he was 25) (2 yrs. as officer and 3 yrs. as a detective) he / where Dylan is 27 years old – she is been an EMT for year)

As I walk into the firehouse, the next day in full gear I was looking around when Severide came over and said you lost?, I looked up and said me never, we smiled at one another and then he said come on I will show you around.

But before I even walked through the door the bell rung "ambo 61 women down from unknown causes" then I made my way to the ambo jumped in and went to the first call of the day, its not my first call as a EMT, I have been on many, before I moved here to Chicago.

We were there at no time at all, we saw the scene, I took everything in and then Brett proceeded to ask the witnesses what happened but know one really knew the answer.

As I was checking the young girl over I found needle marks, and said "Brett it's a potential overdose, as I showed her the young girls arm, as we were already working on her, we got her straight to MED, then Will and Natalie took over from us, asked us all the info they needed and then we left as they got to work.

Then back to the firehouse, Brett went oh nice work on that call, the idea of an overdose was not at the top of my list, I went well it's something I always look for when anyone is unconscious, but track marks don't always mean drugs, it could easily be that they are diabetic. Then Brett went well your system differently works and then we both laughed.

Then Kidd said I guess your first call went well then? Brett said back it went smoothly as any call can be.

(on the other side of town)

Jay's POV

We are currently got a case, drug deal gone bad so the usual type of case for the unit. As we where in the bullpen talking about the information we had, I started daydreaming of the past of when I served with mouse and Dylan oh the fun times around the bonfires the joking but also missed the challenges like how me and Dylan use to go to the shooting range and go head to head to see who has the best shot.

then I suddenly got brought out of my thoughts when Hailey said something to me and I went "sorry what was that?" she looked at me and said are you ok?, oh yea just thinking about the past that is all.

Voight went of course you are, having Dylan around must be bringing some memories back for you?, yea guess she did bring them back but they aren't bad ones, they are actually all the goods ones like how me and her use to go to the shooting range and have many competitions with one another, then I laughed, she always brought out the best in me and mouse and her unit and mine at times.

Then we split into our partners and went off to finish up this case, I then decided to give Dylan a call...

Phone call conversation

(She went hey Chicago whats up?

Hey, I just wanted to check in and see how your first shift at 51 is going? Is it what you have been looking for?

She replied, oh yea differently but missing my old military crew but yea its close enough that family plus I still have you around.

I started smiling at that comment, then I went well I'm glad you are having fun,

She went hows your case going? Hopefully, you get the guy soon! Haha

I went hey are you taking the mick out of me right now?

oh I am sorry was that me mick out of you? Urgh I forgot how sensitive you where? Hahaha

Alright you total bitch I am gonna go after that rude comment! (I slightly laughed), catch you at mollys tonight?

Urgh will dick boy, I too have to go the bell just went and yea see you there byeeee bro

Then I said byeeee sis.)

End of the phone call.

Still Jay POV

I looked at Hailey and she looked at me and said "I love your guys relationship, and the fact you checked up on her you're the best bro aren't you?

Hailey are taking the piss or being genuine? She looked at me and went I am being genuine, actually slightly jealous of what you two have.....

I said oh wow well thanks for that and you do not need to be jealous of it we will have something like that when we have worked together for long than 6 months..... As we both laughed, I am glad you are my partner Hailey and she said same here Jay.

I went look Hailey I've known her since she was 19 years old and I was 22 years old and I did serve until I was 25 so that works out that I have known her now 7 yrs even though we haven't spoken to each other in recently like maybe the last 18 months, but then mouse clearly had managed to keep in touch with both of us.

Then Hailey wow, 7 years damn that's long time, I do hope we have that long of a partnership, and then the rest of the team showed up and we busted the house and got the crew, who we where looking for and then we got back to the 21st and I said who's up for a drink at mollys?

My Military/P.D Big brother (Jay Halstead X One Chicago)Where stories live. Discover now