Chapter 9

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(Still Dylan's POV) 

I got home, after visiting Med, i know i shouldn't of but something inside of me just wanted to check that they all pulled through i mean it was pretty horrible crash i just hope those kids can speak to someone about it anyways i turned my car off and took my keys out and jumped out and reached my front door.....

 I smiled knowing what was waiting for me on the other side of it, so i slowly opened it to find the pack waiting there for me, I looked at them and said hey guys, how was your guys day? Mine was super busy, want to go for a run? They all got supper excited with that I went to change and then I headed out.

during my run I started to think about that crash and took me back to when I was involved in one myself overseas, our convoy was hit and I ended up blacking out and I woke two days later with several injuries one mainly to head I cracked my skull open and broke my wrist and twisted my ankle so I was out of work for a couple months, I hadn't noticed my breathing and I started to struggle to breath It was like I was reliving it and I was.

So I then walked the rest of the way back home, got in shower and cooked tea and feed the dogs and went to sleep and bam! I had a nightmare my PTSD is back, and I woke myself up by screaming, i was so scared and without a second thought I called Jay.....

(Phone call- Jay Pov)

Jay – I woke up to my phone ringing, I looked over at the time it was 0200 hours, I looked at the caller ID and saw that it was Dylan and I answered it without a second thought...

I said, "hey baby sis, whats up?"

She said, " hi.....Jay, I had a really..... bad nightmare.....

(jay's inner voice oh no I can hear her voice is shaky and i think shes in shock or scared)

So I said "hey I am coming over don't worry I will be there in 20 minutes, no arguments you sound like you really need a comforting hug and a chat.

With that we hung up I got out of bed and got dressed jumped in my truck.

I knocked on her door, she opened then I walked in and in golfed her with a hug and kissed her forehead and said I am here, and I am not going anywhere come on lets go sit and talk.

Then she filled me in with what happened with the crash that she had attended to that day and how it reminded her of the convoy crash she had been involved in about 6/7 years ago, she told me everything and how it bought it all back but she thought she had dealt with back then as she did go and speak to a psychologist.

 Then I looked at her, and said hey, no matter if you dealt with it, that doesn't stop that memory from coming back and haunting you, and look we have talked it through and now its 0330 so its time to close our eyes and fall asleep. Now the pack and I are here, and nothing is going to happen.

She nodded, and so I helped her get into bed and I took the sofa, I fell asleep with no problem.

I woke up to my phone ringing it was Voight, we had caught a case and I said I will be there as soon as I can, I got up got dressed grabbed a bagel for breakfast and left Dylan a note to say I had gone to work. 

(back to Dylan POV)

I woke up to my alarm going off at like 0600 hours, so i got out of bed and walked out to the landing then i called out for Jay.... but when i didn't hear a response i went down stairs to see that the sofa was empty.......

Then i walked into my kitchen and saw  a note on the side and it said " hey baby Sis i got a call from Voight we caught a case early this morning, so have a good day at work and i'm glad that you counted on me last night and i hope you know you now owe me a late night chat, lots of love from your Big Bro  :) 

i laughed, yea i can differently count on you Jay and you can count on me.... I did send him a text to say thank you for last night and said that he can also count on me. so then i got on with my morning routine as my pack where looking at me like hello wheres our walk! and so i smiled down at them and said alright i am going to get ready now, gee guys, give me a break here. 

Then later on before i headed to work i took them around Julie's and she asked me if i was ok and said i'm alright just had a lot on my mind and then i checked my watch and said bye to her and then headed off to work and then the song count on me by Bruno Mars came on the radio and i sat there and just smiled and said to myself well look at that what a good song choice. 

My Military/P.D Big brother (Jay Halstead X One Chicago)Where stories live. Discover now