Chapter 32

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At Mollys the bar:

Dylan's POV

As we drove towards mollys we had the radio blasting music and we where singing along and just having fun, we eventually got there and pulled up and parked the cars. Then we all stepped out and before we walked in to mollys I told my lad to at least try to be on their best behavior and they all nodded in agreement.

Jays POV

I was sitting at the bar talking to Will when the door opened and then I saw Dylan and her unit boys all standing in the doorway, then I heard her say "well everyone except Jay who already know my lads these gentlemen are my unit boys from my military days.

So I will quick fire introduce you all to them, this here is Captain Taylor Morgan, then this is my boy Jake, Callum, Shawn, Leo and lastly Marcus and boys listening, here we have my firehouse crew, then Chicago med and of course the rest are from the 21st district.

Me knowing the boys I stood up and said well it good to see you all have managed to stay alive without your girl here? then Morgan replied "Hahaha yeah its tough not having this one watching over us but somehow we are still alive and Halstead its so good to see you again, he pulled me into a bro hug.

Kelly's POV

Eventually we all got the chance to introduce each other, and we started to tell each other stories about from whats it like working is Jones. Its been great to be able to meet these lads I feel like we got to see another side of Dylan and seeing her in a different light, and that having Dylan part of your family is a very good indeed, they even shared some stories about Jay and Dylan and they made us all realize why those too where so close and how that relationship happened.

They did say before we all left that they were glad that Dylan had a lot of good family around here and they didn't have a problem with any of us which is a good thing right, then we all said our goodbyes and me and Stella walked back to my car and we just where talking about Dylan's unit and how down to earth and decent people they were.

Next Day:

I was walking into firehouse for shift, with Stella and Matt and we had pleasant chat and then Dylan came running up to us she was so happy and smiling like crazy, that's when Stella says "wow your in a very good mood this morning?" and Dylan replied "yeah cause my bros generally really like you all and that means the world to me and I have them here in Chicago and I have this family next to me too!" then we all laughed she was like a child high on sugar that was differently the level of happiness she was showing, it was great to see.

Sylvie's POV

I saw my Ambo partner walking into the house with a huge smile on her face and she seemed to very happy, she must be enjoying having her brothers here in town and I thought to my self today is going to be a great shift.

Then Jones walked in and said, "morning fellow Ambo partner how are you today?" but before I had the chance to reply the bells rung out, and the house went into full work mood.

The bells ring out – Chief Battalion, Truck 81, Engine 51, Squad 3 and Ambo – School Bus Crash

We arrived at the scene and everyone started working, me and Jones started on triage the victims that had managed to escape without needing help, we working through the patients when Kelly shouted that he needed one of us to help him out so I sent Jones to go assess the victim that Severide had.

Then I carried on doing what I was doing and It wasn't to long before Jones came back to me and Squad + jones had got the patient out, then they got the boy straight into another Ambo that had turned up and then she came back and carried on working through the process and sending the next patients off the other ambos which have been turning up to help us out with the volume of victims and then eventually the line got down to one which we loaded up and into 61 and then we rushed off and got her to Med where we handed her over to the medic team and then we got supplies, then with that we headed back to the house but then we got another call through the radio.

Radio Call - Ambo 61 – stabbed victim (Address)

So then Jones turned the Lights on as we worked through the traffic we arrived on scene and there was already police there and the officers had been putting pressure on the wound to stop the bleeding so we took over from the officers and we got the girl stable enough before we transported her to med and we got her in the back and I jumped in the back and Dylan took the wheel, its impressive how she drives. She keeps the ambo in control but then she was used to driving those Military Tactical Vehicles.

We got there and we handed her over the Dr Rhodes and his medical team, both me and jones had blood on our gloves and even our clothes poor girl, I hope she pulls through.

Jay's POV

We had been notified there had been another stabbing, I another working girl but she was being treated at med, sadly the other two girls hadn't been so lucky, but this new victim had been lucky that there had been a patrol car in that area, who then called it in and radioed and ambo to the scene but our officers canvassed the neighborhood but they couldn't find anyone who saw anything nor could they find the knife that had been used.

Then we got word from med that the girl had pulled through surgery but she still had long way to go, but then Voight said we should talk the medics who where called to the scene which we then found out that I was our pals at 51 who had responded to the scene and got the girl to med.

So me and Hailey made our way over the firehouse, as we walked through the door, I saw Dylan and she said "umm oh no! what have my lads done this time?" I just smiled and replied with "oh they are fine this about that last call you and Brett responded too?

Then her and Brett nodded in response so walked through to the meeting room that the house had, and then we explained the situation to them both, and said we where there just to get some extra information they had or if they saw something that might not be in the reports.

That's when Jones said, "well we didn't see much I mean the scene was covered with police officers so I am not sure what we can tell you?" and then I looked at her and said, "what did the wound look like?" and she looked back at me, she knew what I was asking....

She then carried on "well I mean If I had to guess the guy your looking for differently knows where to target in the body I mean a stab wound to the liver its easier than trying to stab the heart, oh yeah and slicing of the femoral arteries is something unique skill I mean I would say you are looking for someone who has extensive knowledge on hunting and gutting prey.

Then Brett looked over to her and said, "oh yeah I forgot you where/ are a hunter." And jones said, "yeah I don't talk about it much, but yeah most people forget that about me, but jay I am not sure what type of knife but I would suggest its either a hunting, survival or even a military one but as I didn't get a really good look at the injury so you would have to ask Med about the wound itself."

Then I looked over to Dylan and said "well thank you for the help, yea we haven been trying to figure out what knife was used, so that helps to point us more in that direction, we well keep in touch and if you think of anything else please drop us a call.

Then we left, I called Voight and the rest of team, filled them in on what we had gathered from Brett and Jones, then we headed over to MED to see if they had taken pictures of the wound or if they may be able to help identify the weapon used.

Dylan's POV

Me and Brett had just done having are wee conversation about that call, yeah with my history and background I know a thing or too about stab injuries, I mean I am a hunter but I am also highly trained in hands on combat which so is Jay so that means that we both know where to stab someone to kill them or even just injure that person.

Then Chief Boden, had been on a call with Voight, just to let him in on what was going on and he had filled the rest of the house in by the time are conversation had finished with jay and Hailey.

We then had a wee talk about, with them, then we got back to our own little conversations and what not and Brett had started to prepare lunch for us all and I decided to give her a hand and even Stella had come and joined us in the kitchen, we then started to mess around and joke with each other and just have a good time, being partners with Brett is great fun its been ace to have a girlfriend like her and yes even Stella these two women are just something else they are my sisters we share a lot of love for one another and we always have each other's backs which is just the best feeling. 

My Military/P.D Big brother (Jay Halstead X One Chicago)Where stories live. Discover now