Chapter 8

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(Dylan's POV)

The next day, I walked into the firehouse and said hi to everyone, then I saw Brett and went "hey hows it going partner?" she was staring at Matt Casey and I gave her a look?? And she went what and I laughed, and Stella went is she starring at golden boy again? I just nodded.

Brett I am not, plus I ain't going there, as she looked at me and I said hey you want him then he is all yours. They both went really? Yea I mean me, him and Severide are good friends and that is it.

They where like really, yea cause I think he likes Brett and plus I do not tend to like in house relationships with people I work with. I said that as walking through the firehouse, then Herman and Cruz went oh well this is an interesting conversation?, there's nothing interesting about it, its been drilled into me since I was in boot camp training, and plus you all are more like my brothers, sisters and uncles. So for me it would be disturbing if I were to go out with anyone in this firehouse just cause you are my family now!

Then bell rung out

Truck 81, Squad 3, engine 51 and Ambo 61 – building fire, high school.....

Conversation dropped we left everything there and then jump into rigs and left and when we arrived me and Brett started by setting up triage, where everyone else was getting information about what happened and where the fire had started, then the walked into the building pulling more kids and teachers from the building...

then Severide shouted Jones need you, so a ran over and started walking on the young girl I would say she was only 14 years old and she had inhaled a lot of smoke and currently was breathing, then the school nurse said she has asthma, Severide went back in to get more people out and get control of the fire.

I carried on working on the girl and eventually I got her lung cleared of smoke and got her breathing and wake, I looked down and thank god that she pulled through then I sent her off and before I knew it, I was back to helping Brett and doing what I love.

(couple of hours later)

We where all heading back into the firehouse when...

The bell went off, Ambo 61 – man down from unknown causes

So me and Brett jumped back into the rig and went to the address where the call is we arrived on scene to find a male unconscious on the ground, the witnesses said that he just fell to the ground, so me and Brett got to work and rushed him into Med and DR Rhodes took the case and asked us there usual questions and then he said thanks ladies and we walked away and let them get to work.

We got back to the firehouse, when we jumped out, and walked into communal space, Casey asked how the call went and we both replied went as good as any call could go.

Bell rung out Truck 81, Squad 3 and ambo 61 – two vehicle car crash.

Yet again, we all left got to the scene and both cars where smashed into one another and so we all got work and in one of the cars there was young girl in the back barley even 9 years old, and her older sister more or less close to 19 years old was driving and her brother who was 16 was in the passenger seat. While the other car there was two males mid 30's in the front and no one in the back.

We helped stabilize the victims to allow the crews pull them out and then we took the 9-year-old straight to Med she had a very bad cut on her head, and she had broken her arm and other minor injuries. but the crash was pretty bad, pieces of cars everywhere it was quite a nasty scene to get called to.

(a couple of hours later)

Finally it's the end of shift, its been a super busy one and everyone seemed done all tired and all wanting to get home and just relax.

We all said bye to one of another, I jumped in car but instead of going home I went to Med, when I turned up, Maggie looked at me and said Dylan what you doing here? Well Maggie I was just wondering how the siblings where doing from the car crash? Oh right, DR Rhodes and manning someone over here is interested in the siblings from the crash?

They both came around the corner and they said what you doing here, and asking about them? Look I know that soon as we hand them over to you guys that is the call done and over, but I was just wondering how they where all doing. They filled me in on how they where doing and then I went well that makes me feel a little better knowing that they are all good thanks, as i turned to walk away Natalie then stopped me...

She went hey wait up, and I turned around and she went I just wanted to say thank you for letting us take your pack out the other day I was great seeing Owen so happy and playing with Jay also. I said it is no problem anytime you want them just to let me know, I smiled, and she went off back to work. 

My Military/P.D Big brother (Jay Halstead X One Chicago)Where stories live. Discover now