Chapter 26

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Jay's POV

A few weeks have passed by since the incident of me getting shot in the line of duty, and yes I have started speaking to a professional about it and other things like my PTSD and actually its been really good opening up about it and speaking to someone, this is really helpful and yes I brought up the whole thing that went down with Dylan too and we have been working through all my issues one by one, yes I am finally back at work, but I am currently riding the desk until psyche cleared for field work.

I know I had a lot to work on, but there is one relationship I really need to focus my energy on and that was of course mine and (my sister) Dylan's. I really hated noting having her around right now, but I now fully understand why she did what she did, I can be so selfish and caught up in my own problems that I really don't see other people having their own shit going on, and I mean her not telling me about Marshall, as she didn't think it was right for her to off load on me as I was going through crap myself, its made me realize I am Shitty older brother and the worse type of friend.

Then she also told me how she was missing the military life, which I had no idea that she had been feeling like that, before now. I know Hailey is not a fan of Dylan right now, but she just doesn't understand why Dylan had to walk away from me that day...

I hate the fact I have not spoken to her in weeks, I hope she is doing ok? I know the 51 lot well keep an eye on her and they will make sure she is all good and all, but I am starting to wonder, what if she goes back to the Marines? Like mouse did going back to the ranger? Have I lost her forever, again?

I walk into the 21st and I am met with Trudy at the desk as usual, she said "morning sunshine, how you doing today?" and I looked up at her and said "oh you know getting lost in my thoughts, been thinking its about time I patch it up with Dylan."

She then replied "ahh that will be good, and I am sure she will be happy to see how far you have come." I nodded in response and headed upstairs to the bullpen and was meet with everyone saying morning and having our usual conversations.

When Dawson looked at me and said "hey Halstead whats on that mind of yours this morning?, you don't seem to be fully here?" then I looked at my teammate and everyone else, to day "ahh yeah sorry guys I was just thinking about going and seeing Dylan, I really need to speak to her and apologize to her for my crappy behaviour etc.

then Hailey said "you serious!? You really want to patch that bridge? Wow I wouldn't, I mean Jay she abandoned you to fight this on your own! That's not what friends a suppose to do!" Then I said "well Hailey that's where you are wrong, she never gave up with me, she actually showed me something, that I don't have just to reply on her for support!

She has also taught me over the last few weeks that I hate not having her in my life and that just cause she walked away doesn't mean she stopped caring! And she has been going through her own crap and she admitted she wasn't strong enough to hold the both of us above the water, and that's what made me realize how much of a shitty crappy friend I have been to her!"

Then Hailey said,"I still think she was in the wrong with how she dealt with this and fact she shouted at you the way she did, but fine Jay if you really want to patch it up then go ahead!" and with that she walked off, she seemed extremely pissed about this and I cant quite figure out why?....

But I will worry about that later, I have a little sister to go get back.

I knew that today was her day off so that means she will be mostly likely be at home, and as we didn't have a case and I had done all my paperwork Voight let me have the day.

But he asked me to be on the radio just in case we got a call about a case, which I had of course agreed to of course. Then I ran down the stairs, straight out to my truck and I drove right too her place, when I arrived I jumped out and a flash back happened from the last time I was here all those week ago and it silently scared me as, that wasn't the man I am today.

My Military/P.D Big brother (Jay Halstead X One Chicago)Where stories live. Discover now