Chapter 29

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Still Dylan's POV

Oh yeah, I am going to spend the day shooting and who knows I may even go hunting, and yes this was what my profession was within the marines, yes I was a sniper and yes I have saved Jay and mouse's lives multiple times when us three served together whenever are units work together.

But I haven't used my rifle in a long time, but today feels like the right day, to get back, now I cant shoot as well as I used to due my shoulder injury, I had gotten from the crash. So I went and found the gun I wanted to use and I juststood there just looking at them and the memories started to come back to me, slowly and I started smile, remembering all the times I had overseas with this piece of machinery and remembering how it was part of me and looking at my life now and how my medical bag is what is connected to my job. I took my gun out and went out and I started setting up my shooting range, don't worry I packed up the dogs as I didn't want them to end up getting shot.

Then I got down to business and got my rifle all set up and ready to fire, I felt that power coming back to me, and I relaxed, controlling my breath I took the first shot and yeah I was off the target by a lot but I am bit rusty and I haven't been shooting or hunting in a long time as I said already.

But that feeling knowing you have all the power in your figures, urgh I missed that feeling so much!, then I took the next shot and the next,..... and of course you get the point I spent the whole afternoon shooting targets and getting that feeling again, it was great!

I packed up, and headed back to my house, to find Jay siting on my door step, as soon as he heard my footsteps he looked up at me and said "hey marine, you been busy?" he nodded towards my rifle and I replied "yeah, I wanted to see what ability I still had oh and hey Ranger, how are you?

He followed me to my garage to where my gun locker was and he said "yea I have had a pretty good day, went out with the lads so that was fun, but I want to hear about yours? And whats been going on in that head of yours?, I know something is up as you have been more distant than usual, and I am not the only that has noticed it!"

So I locked up gun and packed up my targets and turned around to face him and he had that look of I am worried about you and so I looked up at him and said "well your right, I have had a lot on my mind, recently.....but I just hadn't realized how much It had affected me or the people around me."

"but Jay, I am good, alright its more to do with the fact I am trying to find a part of me that I lost and I believe I found it again, I mean I spent the whole afternoon shooting and I found that spark I have been missing. I haven't felt this good about myself since I left the marines!"

Then Jay said, "well there is something more familiar about you right now than the last few months, I am glad you have managed to pick that beast of a weapon back up, so you wanting to spend the day to yourself was more to with finding that part of you that has been missing?, or is it more than just that?" then I turned to him, "so I am guessing Natalie told you I turned the invite to the hike with the ladies down then?" he nodded in response and then I carried on "yes I have been feeling lost as we all do at some point and I just wanted to find myself again, and Its perfectly ok to have at least one day to yourself every now and then, for me today was that day alright ranger."

Jay looked over, "of course Dylan having a day to yourself is good and I am glad you are finding time for self-love and care of your mental health, it's just the fact I thought you where spiraling on me but I am happy to find that's not whats going on here and maybe we go hunting soon?" then I replied "oh ranger I would love to go hunting with you, but I am not sure I am there yet with my shot!, it's a working process." And then we both broke into laughter, then he said, "well I am sure the others will be glad to hear that your ok and your not having a breakdown or having issues."

Then he said "come on lets go to mollys, he throw his arm over my shoulder and directed me to his pick up, without me saying a word, he opened the door and I jumped in and then we headed off to the bar.

At mollys:

Stella's POV

Us girls had such a fun day, but there was one missing, I hope she is ok, and that's when Natalie disturbed my thoughts when she said, "well Jay is bringing Dylan with him, he says that's she's all good and she will explain when they arrive." And then we all smiled at each other, at the thought we where all happy that she is ok and there is not anything major going on.

It wasn't long after Natalie had let us know that Jay was bringing Dylan, that they walk through the door and I looked up and I saw something different with her she genuinely seemed happy which of course is the good thing.

Then she looked around and said "look guys, I need to explain myself, I haven't been ok recently, but its more to do with the fact I have been missing something, I have been missing part of me and today just being able to have my own company has allowed me to find that part of me and its makes me feel alive again" looking around I saw the support from everyone as I carried on "I never told you want I did in the marines, I was proud of position, I have missed it a lot and today has been the first day I have been able to reconnect to that skill and basically find that part of me I have been hiding, well I use to be Gunnery Sergeant, which you guys are aware of but you won't be aware of the role I played, well I was a Sniper."

Then I spoke up "Well that is very different from what you do now, but wow that could not off been an easy job." And Dylan responded "yeah It wasn't, its partly the reason I became a paramedic, cause the lives I have taken I feel like I need to balance that out by at least trying to save lives, now yes this is very common for ex marines or ranger snipers to think like this, you should know I have another nick name my unit use to call me the Grimm reaper aka the (angel of death) the idea of a man or monster comes into play, your not one with the other and sometimes i have seen the monster in the mirror and other days i can see the man."

"angel of death suits me as a nickname as i can take life or i can let someone live, thats why my natural ability to know what someone is way to do, is so good because as a sniper you study body language and behaviour." "but this is part of me that has been missing, now I promise I won't go full military on yous, but I am glad that I have been able to face my guns again, those memories and that's its ok to feel lost every now and then, oh and I am sorry for worrying so many of you and I didn't mean too, it's just sometimes I can get caught up in my own world and I forget that I can affect the way I act."

Then we all hugged it out and then we started enjoying our evening and sharing stories from our very different days, and just knowing our sister is good makes me so happy, and we finally got to see her for real and nothing hiding and we saw how much she had hidden from us and how she seems more relaxed now and more at ease with life.

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