Chapter 19

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Dylan's POV

I was sitting in my jeep looking out and at the firehouse that I call home 3 days out of the week, I just sat there watching first shift leave and second shift or my shift family enter, I started to think about what these people and this building meant to me, I mean been here now 8 months going on 9. Its crazy to think that I have been here in Chicago for about that amount of time.

To see how much jay has grown in that time and how he managing his PTSD and how I am copping with mine too, its great and yes we still our each other's shoulders when the nightmares take control and I love the fact that Natalie is always there for him and she knows he holds back sometimes and cant always tell her everything, but even Natalie appreciate Dylan that she's always there to help through his rough patches.

I took a deep breath and got out of my car and walked into the firehouse, ready for anything and feeling my best, I haven't felt this good actually in a long time and before long the bell went off..

Ambo 61 – child down from unknown causes (address)

It didn't take long for me and Brett to jump into action, we eventually got to the address to find a women calling us to follow her, she was panicked and said that it's her daughter, me and Brett walked into the house to find a young girl probably about nine years old fitting on the floor.

Me and Brett work on getting the poor girl to stop fitting, then I saw the rash all over the girls body, and proceeded to ask the mother if her daughter was allergic to anything? And the mother said no she's not got allergies, then I looked at Brett and she went are you sure miss? Because this rash and the fitting are signs of a serve allergic reaction. With that we got the girl on to the stretcher and took her straight to med.

Time skip:

We where just away to head back to the house, when we received another call, this time it was too a warehouse which truck 81 and Squad 3 where already at the scene, as me and Brett arrived on scene, we found out what had happened turned out there was a victim be crushed by fork lift. It had toppled over, and the driver was now struck and getting crushed by it.

Squad 3 where in charge of the scene, we passed a few things to Cruz and Capp like a neck support and a few other things, eventually the got him out and we got to the rig and I jumped into the drivers seat and we rushed him to med, once we had passed him on.

Maggie grabbed us and said hey you too where right about that young girl you brought in turns out she was an allergic the washing power that had been used to wash the clothes. Then me and Brett said, "well that's great that they got to the bottom of that one." That was such a nasty rash though I feel for the kid.

Then as we were walking out, I saw Jay and Hailey walk in and said, "hey Chicago, hi Hailey what are you two doing here? and jay responded with "checking on a victim, involved in our case and checking on Natalie." And I said "ahh there it is, the total real reason why you volunteered to come down to med to "check in" with the victim.

 Then Hailey said "damn girl, you are good!, but yea we do also have a victim, to check in with, young girl such a shame what happened." and before I had a chance to question or carry the conversation on we got call out, with that we quickly said our goodbyes and jumped into the rig and off we went to the next call.

This time we turned up to a local community swimming pool, a young boy had fallen victim to drowning accident, so without question we jumped straight into action in assisting the lifeguard with CPR and eventually we got a pulse and with that we got the boy on the stretcher and rushed straight off to hospital but this time it was lakeside it was closer than med, got the boy in and crossed over with the docs and the nurses and left the young boy in their care.

Eventually we walked into the firehouse, the smell of food or more specifically lunch filled the air as me and Brett walked into the common room. We managed to grab some food but before long the bell went again.

Truck 81, Squad 3, and ambo 61: car crash at (address)

The whole house jumped from the seats and ran out straight to the rigs and we all headed straight out to the crash, turns out there was a massive pile up on the highway, there was maybe 6 or 8 cars involved, so we started to triage the victims, and all got to work there where multiple Ambos on scene it was chaos.

So I jumped up on my rig and wolf whistled and got every EMT's attention! And I said "ok everyone listen up and listen real good! Me and Brett are going to be the lead EMT's for this Scene so, we need everyone to be ready and waiting as me and Brett will be assessing the cases and handing them over to all of yous, just stay out of the way of the firefighters, now I am going to split you guys into two groups we are going to have a group of you out in the field helping the firefighters, while the others going to be ready at your rigs for when we start passing you patients over to yours alright?

Everyone just nodded, I carried on well, everyone on my left your going into the field go now the rest of be by your rigs as me and Brett are going to straight passing victims to yous and the four standing closest to me are going to help with triage, everyone understand their positions? And with that everyone went off to where they were needed to be.

Chief Boden gave me a nod and went off to debrief the new engine and trucks companies, there was finally order with the Ambos, even when the paramedics Chief Robertson had turned up to assist on the managing of the ambulance's he was quite impressed with the organization of how they were working, then that's when I saw chief Boden fill him in and he also gave me a nod of approval of what I had done.

Time skip:

By the time we had finished working on this particular call out, it was now nighttime, we where all tired, and ready to get back to the house and to just sit done and chill out.

As we are walking, back to the rigs I felt someone tap my shoulder, it had ben Severide he said, "hey well done Jones, on getting all those EMT's under control and in line." And then I heard Casey's voice "yeah that was impressive work, well done Jones." He had also put his hand on my shoulder.

Then I piped up and said, "well once a lieutenant always a lieutenant!" everyone just laughed at that comment then I carried on "well there needs be order on these scenes and clearly no else was going to take lead so, I just jumped at, and it worked, but I have missed leading a team into action, I mean yes I was second in command within my team as my captain was first in command, but I still took lead a lot of the time, just thankful they all listened, or that could of caused more chaos but it went well.

Then we parked all the rigs, we all jumped out and Herman said "alright who's cooking dinner?" and all moaned and groaned at that idea, but then we opened the door and the smell of food, was coming from the common room, we all looked at one another, we carried on walking through and then we got there to find my boy in the kitchen.

Then I said "hey Marshall, hugged him from the back and he turned around kissed my forehead and he said "well I thought you guys deserved some decent food and I didn't think any of yous would be up for cooking after that long call you had, so I thought I would come and cook something up so we ratatouille and rice or you can a fish pie? The rest of the house all said thank you to him and then Stella went "wow this is so lovely of you!, your just the best Marshall." Then I said, "yea he is the best, and he is even a better chef."

Then he stayed, to help clean up and wash the sides down, then I walked him out and we reached my car, as he had taken a taxi so I said he could take my jeep home as long as he remembered to pick me up in the morning, which he said "I would never nor could ever forget to pick up my beautiful Phoenix." And we said our goodbyes at my car and then the bells went off, and the last thing he said, "hey go save the day Phoenix, be safe and I will see you at 7 am tomorrow morning." Then I ran back to the house, jumped into the ambo and we headed out to the call.

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