Chapter 38

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Dylan's POV

After I helped truck 81, getting the patient out from the seats, they went head and carried the patient to one of the ambos, that's when I started to feel the dizziness kick in, I was losing blood and quick, I felt my stomach area and yep I could feel the blood through my clothes, clearly the wound I had sustained from that previous call was lot worse than I had thought it was....

Then I started to lose my vision everything become blurry, I tried to call for help but I was too weak and it wasn't loud enough.....and with that I fell down and I felt a stabbing pain in my calf and so I weakly try to stand up again but it was no use.... I look down to see a piece of the window glass was currently embedded in my lower leg and now I was bleeding from two wounds... fabulous I thought to myself and then I started to feel sleepy even though I trying to fight it as much as I could but it didn't work I soon fell in darkness......... and no one knew where I was.... I am going to die....

As I fell unconscious I started to think about the old military days...

Flashback / dream:

(Background: 7 years ago, on base overseas, Jay's Rangers unit and Dylan's Marine unit).

(Dylan's unit = Captain Taylor Morgan, Jake, Callum, Shawn, Leo, and Robin)

(Jay's unit = Captain Tom Bracken, Mouse (aka Greg), Daniel, Scott, and Alex)

Urgh I had been a long field operation but we finally back at base and ready for celebrations to start, I am so lucky to be here with my boys and my older Chicago Brothers, they became like family to me since our units were always working together, you see everyone around us believed that me and Jay were like / could be an item? But that got shot down super quick since I was technically with someone else and so was he and we are just siblings and we shared that type of love nothing more nothing less.

Me and boys were joking around as we did every time we came back to base from being out in the field, I got back to our shared tent, and kicked my boots and my head hit my pillow and that was me out for the count. I woke up later to my Captain shaking my shoulder....

Cpt. Taylor Morgan's POV

I walk into the tent to find my Lieutenant passed out on her bed, she looks so peaceful but I know if she sleeps any longer she wont sleep tonight, plus she needs to go shower and get changed and with that I walk over to her bed and gently wake her up...

Jones, come on you need to wake up now... Reaper come on!... (she started to move) then eventually a few more shakes and she was awake...

Shen then looks at me and says, "really Morgan, I was having the most wonderful dream!, then you decided that it was time to wake me up!" and I simply replied, "well reaper, one you need to shower, two sleep now and you wont sleep tonight and three the boys are doing my head in and I need my second assistance with that!" and then we both broke into laughter and she just nodded and got up and headed for the showers.

Time skip: Bonfire

Jay's POV

Me and my unit boys had based ourselves around one of the bonfires, we were joking about and that when our marine buddies turned up and they also came to join in the fun and the laughter as It had been a tough 73 hrs. but we all came home, and in particular that was down to their watchmen Lt. Dylan Jones aka (THE REAPER), she has one of the best shots and she never misses, this girl was one hell of a badass! And our units and hers seem to get long and work well together so bonus right....

And so once they made there way over the music started to play on the speaker and the whiskey, cigars and the beers where flowing through everyone, that's when you know its going to a good night.....

Me, Mouse, and Reaper, got talking once she had settled down, so I asked, "hey I heard the first thing you did once you got back you went for a nap?" As I smirked looking over to my young sister, and she replied "Ummm yes...yes I did I was shattered but I did have the most amazing (dirty) 😉 dream though urgh It was heaven until Taylor work me up!" then I looked over to her captain and he piped in and said, "yeah well you will thank me later, as dirty dream or not, you would mostly likely not sleep tonight If I left you to sleep any longer".

Then Leo said, "and then we would have to put with a grumpy Lieutenant tomorrow and that's never good!, especially when you have access to your knifes!" and then well all started laughing at that.

You see Dylan can throw a dagger perfectly and you know when she is grumpy, angry, sleepy, or even hormonal (on her period) then that equation will end badly for us lads if we annoy her enough then you usually get a dagger thrown at you.... well more thrown at a particular part on the male anatomy and Dylan tends to call the males second brain, but she does tend to miss it but still its rather close shot.

Then the rest of the evening was full of banter, laughs, jokes and great company...

Dylan's POV

Urgh now this Is what I call a celebration, beer in hand, a cigar in my mouth and my boys all here talking and joking this is why I joined the Military.....

Then all of a sudden I started to feel pain in my abdomen and in the lower part of my leg..... could feel liquid leaving my body urgh I started screaming out in pain,.....then everything went black.....again.......

(Flack back ends)

Present day: still from Dylan's POV:

I could hear voices....someone's calling for me..... I needed to wake up....URGH....common Jones...wake up......but no...the darkness had taken its control...

Boden's POV

Me and the rest of firehouse 51, started walking back through scene, no man left behind, but we knew that we needed to find Dylan fast, if she is badly bleeding and losing a lot of blood that's not good news at all, how did I miss this.... How did I not know one of my own was injured... or that she was evening missing......

We all started shouting her name/ nickname.....but there was silence not even a sound of breathing..... this started to look worse and worse as we started walking back to the last place where Jones had been......

My Military/P.D Big brother (Jay Halstead X One Chicago)Where stories live. Discover now