Chapter 28

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*the song might be a hint for end of this chapter!! but also i really like this song in general!

Dylan's POV

I woke up to the pack jumping on my bed they are always so happy first thing in the morning as they know they get to go out and exercise with me, which makes them so happy. So I eventually get up and out of bed and get changed into my gym clothes which makes the pack get even more excited!

Then I head out and as walk out my front door I look around the Chicago scenery and it started to sink in how much I started to miss the Texas outback and the red dirt, as I look around at beautiful mountains and the trees and think yeah maybe its time to go and visit my hometown, its been a very long time since I have been home.

I am slightly scared to go back home, as I have a history and as I kid I had a love for causing trouble and there where a few nights I got brought home by the local sheriffs, I loved it and causing trouble was I guess an outlet for me to cope, my parents where well they didn't seem to care what I got up too.

Until I started causing trouble with the law and then they decided I was better off in a military school, which I guess it worked out as I ended up a gunnery sergeant in the marines and those brothers become my family, and yeah I now have the boys and girls in firehouse 51 and have a big extended family with the boys and girls from the 21st and med.... But its just not the same as my marines days.

I had a very tight group of friends, before I was sent away to military school, ok yeah we caused trouble but they where family to me and my parents ripped me away from them, we use to go dirt bike riding all the time or we got into some fights, oh yeah I am boxer and let's just say I loved the adrenaline kick you get from a fight, yeah I was actually I mean I am a adrenaline junkie.

Then my line of thought got interrupted when I got a phone call....

Phone call:

Stella: hey girl! What you up to right now?

Dylan: well I am currently out on my morning run, why do you ask?

Stella: me and the girls wanted to know if you wanted to come join our girly day out hiking?

Dylan: Ummm, well not be to be rude to you ladies of the first responders, but I kinda want a day to myself but I will join the next time, it's just I have a lot on my mind and kinda want today to myself. Sorry but it differently sounds fun.

Stella: yeah alright, girl I can understand that you need a day for yourself but differently next time though. But enjoy your day to yourself.

Dylan: yeah sorry, and let the others know that I will join next time and yeah you girls have a great day bonding and if you girls get in trouble give me phone, Bye stella.

Stella: yeah we will do thanks and hey we are here if you need to talk alright, bye phoenix.

Phone call ended...

Stella's POV

So me and the rest of the first responders girls had planned a day out in nature (hiking), as we all had the day off and we thought It would be a good bonding day for us all, but of course Dylan wasn't at Mollys when we planned this little trip out to the mountains which is why I just phoned her, shame she wont be joining us today, clearly something is going on but she's clearly not ready to talk about it yet.

So I jumped out my car and walked over and Brett asked "so how did the call go? Is she coming? And Erin said, "oh yeah I was wondering where she is, she lives out this way right?" and Brett just nodded in response to Erin's question. Then Maggie said "well I am guessing from your facial expression that she wont be joining us today?" and then I spoke up and said "yes, sadly Maggie is right, Dylan will not be joining today, she said she kinda wants to take a day to herself and be with the pack but she did say she would be down to join next time, and if we get lost or in trouble we can phone her though as she knows this area very well."

Brett was the first to say anything "umm, well it's a shame she is missing out on such a good day of bonding but I had thought she might take the day to herself I have noticed she been more distant than usual at work and she hasn't been around mollys much either.

Then Natalie said "well me and jay haven't seen her or the dogs in while, even Jay says she's been more distant with him than usual and she's even being distant with mouse, so maybe there is something on her mind and I also get that feeling she likes having days to herself." And we nodded in agreement, I mean what both Natalie and Brett had said where true statements.

Dylan had been more quite in the house when we are on shift, and seems to have something on her mind, I mean Severide had been the one to mention it to me that Dylan didn't quite seem herself last shift, and of course I agreed with him, but I mean its very hard to read Dylan and know whats going on or bothering her.

So anyways that conversation came to an end, and then we picked up our bags and got ready for this great day a head of us.

Dylan's POV

Look, a day out with the ladies sounds like a great way to bond and have a lovely day chatting but in the mood I am in I am just not up for dealing with conversations or even holding a conversation, that's no offence to those women or anyone I just want to spend the day by myself and do something I haven't done in a long time, that's my plan for today, starting with target practice, bullets and a gun the three elements I need for today but not any old gun, the one that made my career with.

I got home, had breakfast had a shower got dressed again, then I headed to my garage where I have a gun locker cabinet that where I have some very unique toys, that I always have securely locked away and no one has access to them but me.

Today, I am going use a skill set I haven't used since my military days, and I am going to relax and enjoy what happens and I am not going to be afraid of the memories or flashbacks, I am going to welcome them, I need to do this! For myself I need to face that part of me again, I need to find it again, as right now I am lost, and I am not sure who I am.....

My Military/P.D Big brother (Jay Halstead X One Chicago)Where stories live. Discover now