Chapter 20

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Natalie's POV

I could tell something was bothering Jay, ever since he lost his friend, he was working private security and with a fellow service man, and hit him hard, as he feels like he is the reason that he's dead, he took on an extra job, just to get some more money in and it was going well until this happened a client they were, protecting I guess that's the right word, got targeted and the convoy got hit and it this hit took several lives, the client and jay's friend Logan  was his name and now intelligence has taken this case on to help jay and to find out why the client had been targeted in the first place.

Jay being as Stubborn as he usual, he can't seem to talk to me or Hailey and we are both worried that this is going to kill him slowly if he doesn't talk about it and that's why I am going to drop by 51 and see Dylan if anyone can get through to him it's her, actually I am surprised he hasn't talked to her, plus we are all worried this going to affect his PTSD too. He just likes to fight his battles solo or not at all and keeps it all in until it destroys him.

so I headed straight to 51, as Dylan is on shift which of course I knew that before I left, or I would of gone over to her place. Then I turned up and walked in and found Casey he said to me "hey Natalie, whats for this visit to the house?" and I simply said "I am here to talk with Dylan is she about?" and he nodded and replied, "yea she is in the bunk room, I will take you through." And with that I follow Matt through the firehouse and to the bunk room where Matt said "hey Dylan you have a visitor and moved out of my way, then I said "hey Dylan sorry to disturb you at work." 

she simply said "hey it's ok Natalie its fine I don't mind I like having visitors, breaks my day up!" and then she said "so what can I do for you doc?" and then I said "well my visit is actually about Jay..." and then everyone in the bunk room went well you know we will leave you guys to talk, and then Matt said "if you guys want more privacy you can use my office." And Dylan said, "aww thanks Matt, that would be great actually!" and so with that me and Dylan stepped into his office.

Then Dylan leaned on Matt's desk and I sat on the bed, and carried on with why I was here "Dylan he blames his self for what happened with Logan, and I can see its eating him alive, but his is being stubborn and not wanting to talk to me!, so I was hoping maybe you could help me here cause I am feeling useless right now and its hurting me seeing how much he is hurting and I am worried this will bring back some of PTSD if he doesn't talk about and so I am just wondering if you can check in with him and help him out."

Then Dylan looked right me and said "oh Natalie I feel for you, yeah he can be pretty stubborn when I comes to his mental health, I mean so can I be and what not but you came to the right person for this challenge, so I promise you I will go see him as soon as my shift is over, but I shall give him a call I may even get him to come to me."

I said "oh thank you Dylan! So much, I just knew turning to you would be the right move, I surprised he hasn't come to find you and talk to you about this, unless he doesn't want to bog you down as Marshall is about?" and she replied "well that might be it, or he hasn't come to me as he is to focused on the case! Which is usually the reason."

Dylan's POV

After I had walked Natalie out to her car, I was walking back to the house and just as pulled my phone out to call the man of the hour.....

Bell: Ambo 61- woman down from drowning (address)

With that me and Brett jumped in the Ambo, headed straight for the lake, we had received more information on the way, turns out a girl had been accidentally pushed into the water and she couldn't swim and so her friend jumped in to pull her and she currently not breathing.

As we arrived we jumped into action, taking over from the lifeguard who had been preforming CPR and Brett got her hooked up to the monitor and eventually we got her breathing, we moved straight to the backboard and on the stretcher and straight to med, but it wasn't looking to good, she could possibly end up in a coma due to the amount of time her heart had stopped.

Anyways we rolled her, saw Maggie gave her, the nurse, and Dr. Choi the run down of the case, then Brett said she would fill in the paperwork, and so I went of to get a couple of supplies when I bumped into Dr. Will Halstead, and he said, "oh hey Texas, hows you?"

 I replied, "oh hi other Halstead, I am doing good thanks just had my first call of the day, what about, everything good?" and then he said, " oh so I am now known to you as the "other Halstead." And then he carried on "funny you ask that?, there is something on my mind, its about Jay." And I said "ahh you too then worried about him, bottling up about what happened with Ryan, don't worry Natalie is also very worried about his state of mind and I will be stepping up, I was going to phone him right as the bell went and plus I am making a visit to the 21st tomorrow morning first thing to catch a word with him."

Then Will went "wow, ok then at least you are aware of the situation and hopefully can help him, as I have tried to get to open up to me, by not pushing but I am now at the point where I feel like I should be pushing him but I know that will end with me with a beautiful black eye."

I then replied, "look will, you knew your baby brother as good as I know him, right and of a fact yeah you are right he would give a black eye, but its now been passed over into my capable hands so don't go into panic mode, I Will personally make sure this doe not turn ugly for him, and also that Halstead, stubbornness you boys have doesn't help either way, but I get it, you care a lot about him we all do, around here I mean the guys at 21st differently do I mean they are a tight team / family, but I shall make sure he doesn't suffer from this well I will at least try."

Then me and Will went our different ways and I meet back with Brett who just said "hey you want to tell me what troubling that mind of yours?" and as we where walking back to the Ambo and then I said "ahh well you see its Jay, it sounds like he is having a rough time and not talking to anyone about it, that way Natalie came by this morning and just then I had Will, talking about Jay also, so that's whats on my mind, and fact I am the one that everyone seems to be turning to about him, I am surprised that no one from the district has phoned me about him."

Then Brett said, "wow sis, that's a lot to take on, but hey remember you always have me to talk to, if the jay stuff, ends up pulling you down or you feel like your drowning with it." And I replied, "well Brett thank you, that means a lot and just knowing that you know how hard this can be for me means a lot and hopefully I won't end up drowning with it." Then with that we hugged each other jumped in the Ambo and headed back to the house.

Jay's POV

How did this happen? How did I let this happen? Logan is dead because of me! Because of my plan it went south! but why this client, why.... just can't rap my head around it!.... urgh!

These is just part of what's going on in my head.....that shooting its its.... Brought memories up that I thought I had buried years ago, that whole scene keeps replying over, and over, and over again.... It feel it eating at me, everyone keeps asking me if I am ok? And I know Serge is clearly worried he got Hailey watching my every move like hawk!

which is why I am now standing in the locker room looking into the mirror i look and feel like shit, knowing that a veteran a good solid military man is dead because of me! and I keep looking at myself..... I don't even know who I am anymore....

Then felt my phone vibrating in my pocket, so I pulled out and looked at screen and saw a photo of Texas, on the screen.... I had feeling I know why she was calling.... Without a second thought I answered....

Phone call:

Hey Texas..........

I think I need your help....

My Military/P.D Big brother (Jay Halstead X One Chicago)Where stories live. Discover now