chapter 12

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Dylan's Pov

As I walked into the firehouse, Otis and Cruz where arguing over apartments again, Mouch was sitting in his usual spot, and Herman was talking with Casey and Squad boys were at their table.

I stood there watching everything unfold, in my own bubble, when my partner in crime slides next to me and says "hey partner, how is mouse?

Then I turned to her still smiling and said "yeah he is doing great actually, its good to have him back home on US soil.

Then stella went hey we missed you at mollys last night?, oh yea sorry about that I was drained last night so after leaving MED all I wanted was my bed.

Bell goes off: ambo 61, child down from unknow causes

Then me and Brett jumped into the rig and went out on the call, got to the scene to find too boys that had been caught up in a fight at school, ended up taking one of them to med as we got there we checked him and before we even left.

Another call came through the radio, we again jumped back in the rig and headed out to the call, found a young girl suffering from what seems to be a drug overdose, we got her stable and then headed to lake-shore hospital it was the closer one, dropped off with the doctors.

Then eventually got back to the house, when my phone goes off I looked down and smiled, as I saw Marshall's face on the screen... Brett had noticed my smile....

(photo above is Marshall Bennett - from the Netflix film bennett's war)

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(photo above is Marshall Bennett - from the Netflix film bennett's war)

Phone call:

I answered it, hey Bennett whats up?

He replied with hey Phoenix, nothing much, just wanted to check in with you, since now mouse is back home right? Wanted to make sure you good?

Aww Marshall you are so thoughtful, yeah I am doing better than what I thought I would be but I am pretty lucky with how many people I can lean on up here when I need and mouse has alot of people here who love him too, but thing is with mouse is he isn't physically injured in a very bad way which is thegood thing, but its damage mentally is what I'm worried about but hes just got to find a good way of handling his PTSD and hopefully he opens up to me or jay but at the moment he is not ready to talk about it and that's totally understandable, so we just have to give him time.

he replied; well mouse is lucky he has a big family there to support him and that his little sister is there too, but make sure you don't let this get to you, I know you had a tough time when you got into trouble yourself, if you need me, I am a phone/skype call away..

(just as I was about to reply the bell went off, and he said be safe and go save the day Phoenix)

I ran out to the rig, then Brett was smiling at me, she was like "are you going to tell me who this Marshall boy is?" I just laughed and said, "oh right he is a buddy of mine from when I served he is a bike rider in a rangers unit, we where super close, he was just checking in with me."

As we arrived at the scene of a foster / care home that was going up in smoke and had partly collapsed (it reminded me of an operation call from the old days), me and Brett jumped out and we started looking at the kids and sorting through who needed help more urgently than others and then I could hear Chief, Casey and Severide giving orders...

It took me back to when I was in the Military, we were out on mission with another unit that our unit was tight with they were like our cousins we worked with them a lot as they tended to be based at the same camps as us anyways that day is was meant to be a routine walk through of this small abandoned town.

as we were walking through the streets just as quick as snapping your fingers the first of several bombs went off and then that first one set of a chain of them all over the place, everyone was throwing orders out and we where all checking in with another, I had a minor injuries but the rush of adrenaline that goes through you is something.

Then I heard Casey calling on me, which brought me back to the scene, as he gave me this young boy and then he looked at me and said, "are you ok, you seem to be somewhere else there?" I replied with "oh yea sorry Lieutenant it won't happen again. And I took the boy over to the rig and checked him out.

As we all rolled back into the firehouse, as we all jumped out Stella walked over to me "hey Dylan are you good? You just seemed preoccupied on that last call like your mind took you somewhere?

I just looked at her and I just hugged her, which she wasn't expecting but she took me into her arms and then I started crying, and then I felt multiple people hugging me, eventually the hugging circle broke and Casey looked at me to say if you want to talk we are here for you.

I spoke up "well thing is that call took me back to a field mission where I lost two very good friends from another unit. And I guess that call just took me back, and the damage and it brought some very scary and painful memories back that all.

I am good though now and thank you for all you guys support, I did not realize how much this job would take me back to that place.

They all looked at me and Chief went "we are all sorry for your past, but at least you got through that call and as a house we lean on each other and we will as a family love and support you through everything and anything.

" I just looked at this family and nodded, thank you everyone for everything and for putting up with me, I love you all, my Chicago family.

i am so glad i joined firehouse 51 and that i moved here to Chicago mouse was right this was exactly what a broken soldier needs a soiled strong support system and i guess i found it, had more than just jay shoulders to lean on, i had a whole community of people.

My Military/P.D Big brother (Jay Halstead X One Chicago)Where stories live. Discover now