Chapter 41 - The End....

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Dylan's POV

I slept like a brick, but once I woke up again I looked to my left and I saw Bob-Lee sound asleep on the little sofa in the hospital room, then I saw on the bedside table a note from jay and mouse saying they will go look after my dogs, and make sure they where all good and well, they also said they will be back later to check in with me again.

Then I heard the door to my room open and in walked Dr. Manning plus April was with her too, then Bob-lee suddenly woke up too, and looked over at me, then said "morning Dallas, how you feeling?" to which I reply back "morning Houston, I am feeling ok I slept like a brick though, what about you?" (of course completely in our own world even Dr. Manning and April were in the room) but then before he answered I turned to the ladies and said, "good morning Natalie and April, how are you both?"

Natalie replied first saying "hey Jones, me and April here are supposed to ask you that you're the one currently admitted in a hospital bed after major surgery! Non the less, I am well thanks for asking." I then looked at April and she also responded with she was well.

Then they started to examine my stitches, and checking my vitals then once they had finished, manning told me that the members from fire house 51 were here and they would really love to see me, I nodded and said, "let them in, I would love to see them too." And manning nodded, went to tell them that I was happy enough to let them in but then bob-lee said, "hey love I am gonna phone your lads to let them know your out the woods and still sane and in one piece!" I then replied, "you told them, than you for that and yeah its probably best someone lets them know." then he left.

The next thing I saw, was Brett standing in the doorway just after bob-lee left, I then said "hey, you can come in you guys?" and with that they all swarmed into the room, Chief was the first to speak, "hey kid, crazy last shift huh?, glad to see your still here with us," and he kissed my forward in a fatherly kind of way, but what I said back caught everyone by surprise...

"hey chief, I am sorry....sorry for not getting myself checked out, after the first injury happened but we got that call in about the train crash and me being me we headed back out and onto the next call, I know it was stupid of me and I know I could have died and I am sorry to all of yous, for being too stubborn and for getting it checked out and even for scaring you guys, I was expecting an easy last shift but then hell happened, look I am sorry to all for putting you through this."

Then we had a big group hug, overall they were all just super happy I was still breathing and that it wasn't to serious, they stayed for while....but I started to feel tired and so with that they left me to rest and then Bob-Lee came back finally, I smiled at him and he came and sit on my bed and then put his arms and hands either side of body and leaned in to give me a kiss and I of course kissed back, then he pulled away and he whispered "I love you, I am glad you are a fighter...Reaper..."

Bob-Lee's POV

I heard her reply to my whisper, "oh Swag, I am so sorry I have done this again to you... I should have just got it checked but when we got called in to head to the train crash... my priorities changed and it went back to my job and less about me..." I sat there holding her hands and taking in what she was saying, then I said "hey, beautiful nothing about us is ever easy, but that is what I love about our relationship, and yes you should have got it checked but you patched yourself back up and went to help to save others that instinct was something you have been trained to do, and that why I can't be mad at you for it as you always put others before you that's what made you such a great sniper you always had your teams best interests at heart."

She then smiled and looked back up at me and then said "urgh you to good for me Swagger, I don't deserve this kind of love, but thank you for being so understanding again, it actually doesn't scare me anymore how well you know me, because I also know you that well and I guess some where deep in side us both we knew we would be back together and I guess I took both of us to leave the military for it to happen and I wouldn't change it for the world."

I simply responded by kissing her, urgh Its like magic how are lips connect so perfectly, it was like we really were destined to be together.

A week later....

Dylan's POV

I had been released from the hospital, a few days after I woke up, but now I was going back to get a once check over to see if I will be ok to fly to Texas or not, me and Bob-lee are so ready to move in together and start our next chapter together down in southern lands, urgh and as much as I have loved here in Chicago this wasn't home for me...

I knew where home was, and I was finally heading back to Texas but maybe not exactly home-town but home state was close enough right?, guess what I have been given the all clear to fly home..

So with that me and bob-lee walked out of Chicago med and headed straight to mollys, once we had arrived, firehouse fifty-one were there already and so was the intelligence unit and the Chicago med lot were heading over.

I started talking to Casey and Severide, saying my thanks for being there when I need them to be and then we hugged it out... then I did the same with Herman and Mouch, plus the rest of the house as they had become part of my family now and I will never forget them.

Then the MED lot turned up and we of course chatted about random stuff, and said our goodbyes, but I knew the two goodbyes that wouldn't be easy for me or for them was Jay and mouse....

So we walked outside and I looked at them both and proceeded to say "I love you will be my brothers for life and I will come back, but I am only a phone / plan journey away ok, so please phone me... then we hugged as everyone else was now outside too and with that I said one last thing to them all.

"this is harder than I thought it was going to be but... here it goes... thank you Chicago, for giving me more family, you all mean so much to me, and to Brett, I honestly don't know how you managed to put up with me but...

I do have say thank you for asking that night here at mollys about me being a trained EMT because if you hadn't I would have missed out on this family and I am so lucky to have the chance to work with you all at firehouse 51, and when we had are multi departments crossovers and we all worked together to keep Chicago, that's where you really saw what this family of first responders can do... so even though I am leaving, I will be back and I promise to call every week for check ins..... urgh I am gonna miss you all."

I was now full crying, just like I was when I left my unit, the military service, but we had one last massive hug and then I jumped into the taxi and headed for the airport.

Me and Bob-lee walked hand in hand through the airport, and went straight through, the next thing I knew I was sitting on plane next to man I love and we were finally heading home, but that's what got me thinking, home isn't always a place or a house, sometimes home is a people or family and I know for a fact I feel like I have multiple homes, multiple people that I love and a family who I will love until I die, I felt a hand on mine and I looked up to see Bon-lees eyes staring over at me...

 he said "well there is no turning back, but we will be back to visit the family soon, like maybe Christmas?" and with that I nodded and smiled back, and then said "oh that's sounds lovely idea to come back to see the family for Christmas!, thank you Swagger." Then we kissed.....

I looked out the window, as I said my final goodbyes to the city that I called home for like the last year, I know I would be back, but its different coming back to visit a place where you lived and moving back to live in that city, but I knew going back to south is something I needed to do, I have history there in Texas, things is it's about time I handled them..

Authors Note:

Wow, 41 chapters! Holy Hell, I never thought I would write so many! But I have loved every second writing this book and I am so pleased with it, and I would like to say a huge thank you for the readers who have stuck with this book from the start, I know I wasn't always the best for uploading new chapters and what not.

I started this book in particular because COVID hit the world and I didn't have a job nor did I have any collage work at the time, and I never expected to still be writing this story a year later! Its crazy to think its been that long.

I am so grateful for all the reads, the votes and even the comments I am so glad so many of yous have enjoyed this book, like I have enjoyed writing it. I am so amazed that I have at least 13k reads I never expected that to happen, so thank you all so much, for keeping me motivated in writing I really forgot how much I enjoyed it. 

My Military/P.D Big brother (Jay Halstead X One Chicago)Where stories live. Discover now