Chapter 17

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Marshall's POV

I can really see how and why Dylan loves Chicago so much now, the people and the community she has here is amazing, as we where walking out of the 21st precinct she turned and looked at me, then said "are you sure you are up to meeting everyone tonight? I mean I am sure they would not mind if we shifted it to another night?" and I pulled her into me and wrapped my arm around her neck and said "hey I can not wait to meet all your pals tonight, getting to know your boy, and the 51 lot! On top of that I am so down for going to molly's and there is no way I am changing my mind about tonight unless you don't want me to get to know your Chicago family?

She looked up at me, "oh babe its not that at all, I just wanted to make sure that you are good with going out I know what I was like the first few days back from tour and stuff, so just making sure you aren't just doing this cause me and that you really are ready to meet them."

At this point we had reached her car and we jumped in and I reply to her comment, "hey beautiful, I am stable enough to go out and meet your friends, scrap that your family, and I totally understand where you are coming from with the whole being back on US soil but I have been home for week and I am so glad to be here with you alright in your amazing new home city, and I would tell you if I didn't feel up for meeting your crew."

Time Skip:

We where now both getting ready to go out to mollys, I have had the best day with Dylan she was able to show me around Chicago and we did also get to take the pack out as well which is ace fun and its so beautiful out here where Dylan lives, I know that Dylan was never one for the city life she is like me enjoys the countryside and being out of the city.

Eventually we both where ready, to go this bar known as molly's which I hear is ran by a couple of firefighters from her house, and for the first time in my life I actually saw something hadn't before, Dylan was actually showing signs of nerves! And now if you know her they way, me, jay and mouse did then all three of us would say that we had never ever seen this girl scared of anything! But I guess tonight was different.

She has a last minute look in the mirror, and so I walked up behind her, and she looked up and smiled at through the mirror, then I proceeded to say "you look stunning babe, your tattoos are just amazing, I forgot how beautiful they looked." As of that I kissed her cheek and followed that with "there is nothing to be scared of phoenix, it will be a breeze tonight." She turned around and with my hands on her waist she moved her hands to around my neck and pulled me in close and she rested her forehead on mine and said, "well I would be more relaxed if I knew what we were?"

She carried on to say "I have a confession to make to you Marshall Bennett?" and I simply nodded for her to carry on with what she needed to say, she then spoke up again to say "I Dylan Jones have fallen hard in love with you marsh and now that you are here in Chicago, I know what I feel for you is real and I know we have been getting super close over the last few months, which I have loved and I do want to give this a shot and I don't want to hurt you or mess this up, as this has given us a second chance at love for the both of us, but I am glad we jump into this a few years ago and that we waited and that I finally reconnected at the right time for us both."

I stood there after that and took it all in, and then looked back at her as our eyes meet, I then said "wow I am glad you have those feelings for me! As I am crazy about you and yes! My word I have also fallen back in love with you all over again and I also don't want to screw this up with you, I would hate to see you hurt because of me, so why don't make this real simple and tell everyone that we are dating, and that we have a first date planned for tomorrow?

She then pulled on my neck, so I moved my head back to resting on her forehead when then I feel her lips touch mine and I then kiss back. "she responds with that sounds like a great plan, and what makes you feel like I would say yes to that date?" and I look at her and say as we where leaving her house I walked next to her down the path to her car, and reply "well I was praying that would be up for our first date without me needing to ask."

With that we jumped into the jeep, which yes she is so super protective off and wont currently let anyone else drive! And with that we turned the radio on and the song which was playing was (Kane brown x marshmallow - one thing right).

Anyways we arrived at the bar, you could hear how busy it was before you even reached the door, I grabbed Dylan's hand after we both got out of the car and we started to make are way over, and looked over to her and smiled, I said to my self how the hell did I get so lucky with this one? And I honestly do not know! But I am glad I have her in my world.

Then she lead me inside, and I could not keep my eyes off of her, and then we meet with a cheer! And we both laughed, she went "well everyone I will like you to meet and get to know this boy who stole my heart over the last few months, so please be kind and nice as I know you all are too Sergeant Marshall Bennett." And of course he had only one group left to meet and be introduced too which where the boys and girls from MED, which Dylan did her part and of course she had told me about how Natalie and jay are an item.

So I had hi to everyone, and then I got split from her, and got pulled to a table where Jay, Kevin, Matt, Kelly, Ethan and Jeff Clarke where sitting and few other of the boys where around, I feel like I was about to get beat up from these boys.

Then I sat down next to jay, and he said "look buddy, you hurt her in anyway or upset he, I will have to come find you and deal with you ranger to ranger alright?" and I just nodded back and said "look lads if I do cross that line and hurt her or upset her I have no problem with you boys beating me up and putting me in ICU, as I know how much she cares for you all and know how much you all care about her too.

Then we got talking and chatting about are different walks of life and our different stories and it was great to get to know these lads and then a few of the girls made there way over and stella went "right that's it boys move over its time for us sisters to get to know this handsome devil" and with that the boys moved on over to my girl Dylan and then I got interrogated by the girls for the next few hours and I felt how protective they where all of her and its so nice to feel that with such a big group of people, but she is differently loved by them all.

By the end of the night, I finally got my girl back right next to me where she fits just perfectly with my arm around her, and then I heard her say "well guys this has been lovely night, and I am sure this one had a great time too getting to know you all but, I think its time to call a night as its 2 am in the morning!

Then I said "yeah it has been great getting to know you all, and I have great night here at molly's and I will be back for sure, and yea we should get move on and get home to the hounds. Then we left and walked out, some people left with us too and others stayed back, then she throw me her keys and said to me "you good to drive, as I feeling to tired to drive." And then I simply nodded as a reply, so I got in the drivers seat and my girl got in the passenger seat, then I turned the key and I then drove us home and by the time we got there she was passed out, so I jumped out and went around to her side and I picked her up bridal style and got her front door open and then got her upstairs and to her bed, and when I laid her down, I heard her whisper "please stay with me tonight?".

I went "Are you sure?", and she nodded in response and with that I got changed and slide into her bed, and the last thing I said to her was "goodnight beautiful." And she said, "goodnight handsome."

My Military/P.D Big brother (Jay Halstead X One Chicago)Where stories live. Discover now