Authors Note

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hiya everyone!, i am so sorry for not updating this story last week! i have been drowning in college work but i will find time this week to write and hopefully get a few chapters written and uploaded for you. 

(on another point, i have changed Dylan rank again, sorry she was Gunnery sergeant in the marines! and also i have been thinking of exploring more of her marine history and finally letting you guys know about what her role was in the marines.) 

i feel bad that i haven't uploaded a new chapter yet, so i will try and get something up this week.  but thank you for still being interested in this book and sticking with this story. 

but i have really been wanting to write, its just college work comes first, and its been annoying that i haven't had any free time to write between online classes and working on stuff for college. 

but i am finally getting some time this week,  as my work load is thinning out, so i should get something up for you guys this week.  

My Military/P.D Big brother (Jay Halstead X One Chicago)Where stories live. Discover now