Chapter 13

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(just to point out that jay and Natalie have been going out for quite some time now like 7 months ish)

Jays POV

My word its been a long day, I can't wait to get home and put my feet up, intelligence had caught a quite big case and we hadn't stopped for the last three days and with some tech help from mouse we managed to get a head and catch the suspect.

I have actually been spending more time with mouse than I have with Dylan recently, I mean I catch her sometimes when she visits mouse but with how busy I have been at work and then spending most of my off time with Natalie, Owen and then mouse I haven't checked in with her.

But I heard from mouse that she had a call to a fire that had reminded her of a incident from back when she served, but the way mouse talked about it sounded like a daydream of that particular event. I guess I should stop by 51 and check on her, she has this habit of hiding what she is really feeling I mean I do the same thing.

So I phoned Natalie just to let her know that I was stop by 51 and check in with Dylan, as I had told her about what had happened and Natalie was like that's one of things I love about jay is how much you care about your friends.

So I arrived at the firehouse and walked in, I was met with Casey, he was like "Hey Jay, how are you doing?" I replied back "yeah I am good man, umm looking for Dylan, is she here?", he went "yea she is in the bunk room with Brett. Then I went "thanks Matt".

I walked through the firehouse and walked into the bunk room to find her and brett laughing at something, then Dylan looked up and said "jay, what you doing here? Are you ok? Has something happened with mouse?" yep that's the Dylan I love worries about everyone before herself.

I said back to her "hi, I am fine and so is mouse, I am here to check in with you?, I heard about that call you had that brought some bad memories back, and I have been so busy recently that I haven t been a very good friend to you in particular and I am sorry about that Dylan."

She was like "jay hey I get it ok, plus I don't just have your shoulder to lean on I have a whole house and I got mouse, so don't worry about it, plus I know you have been mouse's shoulder support and I guess I didn't want to put more PTSD crap on you, and plus I didn't really go into much detail with mouse as I know he's fragile but I spoke with my boys (aka Matt, Kelly and she had a cigar chat!).

" plus I had a great chat with these two beauties, so actually doing great, but hey you know if you feel like your drowning with stuff with mouse I am always here for you ok, mouse just doesn't seem to want to talk to me about it."

Then I went "well that's good, I mean this house does have some amazing people and I guess that has been great for you to be able to lean on them as they lean on you." Then Dylan was like "oh yea how is it going with Natalie? And she wiggled her eyebrows and I just laughed at her, "yea me and Natalie are doing really great actually on my way over there right now for tea and a movie as Owen really wants me there, then she went "yea I am sure Owen is the one who wants you there." As I was way to say something the bell went off and she jumped into action said bye to and said, "enjoy your evening off with Natalie!" and I shouted back "Thanks Texas".

I eventually got to Natalie's place, I jumped out my truck and walked to her front door I knocked, then I opened the door and as came through the doorway, I heard what I believe was Owen shouting and running through the house, he came straight to me and then ran into arms and he picked him up and said "hey buddy, how has your day been?" 

he replied with "its been super", I just smiled at the 3 year old who was still in my arms, then Natalie came out of the kitchen, I caught her smiling at us and she was like "hi there, did you mange to catch Dylan?" 

I replied whilst I walked over to her and I gave her kiss and brought her in for a hug. "yeah she's generally doing good, she has plenty of shoulders to lean on over there and I think her, Matt and Kelly had a long convo about it and she has Kidd and Brett there too so at least I know she leaning on them."

Natalie nodded back and said, "well it's still good of you to stop by and see her, just remember I am always here if you want to talk about anything?" I was thankful I had such a brilliant, strong girlfriend, I replied with "yeah I know I can talk to you too, thanks babe". 

So then I asked Owen "so buddy what movie are we watching tonight then? And he replied with "cars!", then I said "ohh that sounds like a great choice buddy!" he just nodded in response, then I put him down and ran off to go play with some toys and I got to help Natalie with setting up the table and making the side salad.

I loved this feeling, of being apart of their family, I know it couldn't of been easy for Natalie after losing her husband, then having Owen and raising him by herself but she has shared with me how hard it had been, and sometimes it still is but she's glad that she has me there to help out with Owen, plus she gets Dylan and my brother will and they love helping out with taking care of Owen when we need it.  

we ended up cuddled up on the couch and Owen was squished in between me and Natalie, Owen managed to stay awake through the whole movie, usually he ends up falling asleep half way through one usually but he was extremely tired and Natalie was like "alright little man time for bed."

 he was like "ok mummy and then he Asked "can daddy tuck me in?" and both me and Natalie looked at each other as we where both in shock because Owen has only ever called me Jay, then i picked him up and said to him "i would be honored to put him down", so i carried him up the stairs, helped him into his PJ's and then got him tucked into bed. 

When he was ready and settled i started to read him a story, but he was asleep by the third page so i put the book down gently on the side and tip toed out his room and shut the door a little and then i walked downstairs, found Natalie in the kitchen sorting out the dishwasher. 

she looked up at me as she heard me walk in and i came over, to help her out, she turned to me and said "how does it feel to be dad?" and i smiled at her and i laughed a little and said "it feels right, i feel like this is where i belong, i mean this is a good thing right? 

she looked at me and she replied with "this is great i mean i never thought i would found someone as good as you jay, and i wasn't sure i could find someone to love the way i loved Jeff but then you walked into my life and my heart and i dont want to let this good, you are good with Owen and you are a great farther figure. 

she then asked me, "jay Halstead, how would you like to move in with me and Owen?".............

My Military/P.D Big brother (Jay Halstead X One Chicago)Where stories live. Discover now