Chapter 15

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(A/N = I just felt this song fitted this chapter.)

Dylan's POV

Well where should I start, Mouse has finally been medically cleared to go back to the war-zone, its been really good having him around and yes we both helped Jay move into Natalie's house they have been living together now for like 2 months. Oh yea, me and Marshall are talking daily to each other, that is going well, and other relationship news that's going on is that I am pretty sure that my girl Brett is seeing someone and I have been trying to work it out, and something is telling me that it is Casey.

But I cannot get it out either one of them, but the other loved up fire house couple aka – Kelly and Stella do also believe and agree with me though that Matt and Sylvie are seeing each other.

Plus today is pretty exciting as I am taking my pack to work with me as my neighbor is out of town for a long weekend, but Chief did say I can take them in anytime, so they are finally getting to come to the firehouse. I personally love seeing everyone so happy and its great for everyone too.

so I got to the firehouse, and just as I am walking in the bells go off, (Ambo 61 – man down from unknown causes).

So I dumped the dogs on Kelly and Stella and ran to the rig, jumped in driver's seat, then Brett came in and went damn I was quick enough, and I just laughed at her comment me and her love driving the rig.

Anyways we got to the address to find young boy waiting on us and he was like quick its my dad he fell coming down the stairs, then we ran in and got to work on the victim, he was unconscious but had a good rhythm but he had unusual heartbeat, so me and Brett got him on the backboard and then onto the stretcher, then Brett drove us down to med and handed him over to the team.

We re-stocked supplies', and then on the way back to the house, I turned to Brett and I was like "hey I was wondering something? how come you haven't told me about who you are dating or seeing? As I know for a fact that there is someone!?

Then she was like "Ummm I don't know what you are talking about Phoenix, as I am not seeing anyone? And I was like "that's so not true and we both know it! And I think its Matt Casey, just nod your head if I am right? And she just smiled, and then I went "got I fricking knew it!, so how is it and what is like dating him? She responded with "oh come on, really? Alright its great so far it is been nice, we have had like 3 dates and we have another planned! I was like Brett that is great to hear I am so happy for you guys!

then as we turned into the firehouse she turned to me and looked right into my eyes and goes "no one knows here but you!, so please don't say anything. Then I looked back and said "I would never say anything it is not my place.

As soon we jumped out the rig and entered the house we got meet with my pack, then Brett went oh my I forgot how sweet they are! And I was like "yea that's what I love about them, and then I was like alright you three, come on this way, then we entered the common room, Herman was like "your dogs are so well behaved, they have not caused any trouble yet. Then I replied, "that is what I like to hear good guys aren't you!" and then everyone laughed, Otis was like "wow the tough Veteran / EMT does have a super soft sweet side" and then Brett was like "of course she does, she is human Otis!"

"Hey boys and girls, it's a fair comment to make, and yea they do make me soft haha, oh love my little pack!" and Stella was "oh thanks for dumping them on us two!" and went I didn't exactly have much of a choice!" the bell went off and plus they where fine!" with you guys anyways, I mean Kelly does take them when he goes hiking, so I know he can handle them.

Stella was like "oh Dylan how is that ranger boy of yours?" I know for a fact that she was referring too Marshall. But Herman was like "you mean mouse?" then he looked up at me from his seat and I turned around and said, "um no, she is talking about another ranger buddy of mine" and I said that with a very big smile on my face. "yeah his name is Marshall Bennett, he is my dirt bike ranger, friend who is still serving overseas and I guess us two have been talking more than usual over the last few months."

then Casey went "oh yea I remember you talking about him as he checked in with you when mouse first came home right?" and I nodded in reply to Casey, then Herman piped up and said "well whatever you are calling it, he seems to make you happy, and I replied with "yeah, I haven't felt this type of happiness in a long time!"

Stella was like can we see a photo of this boy? Who makes you smile like crazy!" and then I pulled my phone out and showed them a pic of Marshall, it was one of us on the last tour we had together, and Stella and Sylvie was like "Damn girl, you know how to catch them!" and I laughed at their comment, and proceeded to say "I don't even know what we are, but it works for the both us, we act more than friends but it is not official yet, you know that weird space and plus he is like thousands of miles away and stuff."

Mouch, was like "well you clearly have strong feelings for this guy right? And I smiled and nodded my head in response to mouch's question, then Kelly piped in "well that all that matters right is that you guys have feeling for one another, and I guess this guy feels same about you? And I went "yea, I am sure he does, have the same feels as I do, then I was like I have not spoken to him recently, though he has gone radio silent which can happen. I just cant wait to Skype or phone him and getting to hear his voice again. Brett went "well I am sure it won't be too long before you are talking with him again.

Time Skip:

The next morning we where all getting ready to leave at the end of shift, as we had quite a lovely one, we where not that busy so had a chance to hang out more in the house and it was great. Then as we where all walking out as third shift had already arrived at the point.

I suddenly stopped walking and then everyone just looked at me, they all followed my eyesight and they saw a man standing there in a Military uniform....... 

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