Chapter 18

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Dylan's POV

I woke the next morning in Marshall's arms, and it felt amazing and it felt just right to be waking up with him next to me, I know deep down that if he decides to re-enlist and go back out overseas that it will be one thing I would miss about having him here.

Then I felt him starting to wake up too, as I tried to leave the bed, he pulled me back and said "and where do you think your going beautiful?" and I replied "well I was trying to slip out of bed but that clearly didn't work, plus I got to go and let the pack out and get breakfast ready."

He simply looked at me and said that sounds like a lot to do then, he moved away from me and got up and out of the bed, and damn I love waking up to this view!" I then said what you are doing, and he simply said helping you out of course, I can easily get breakfast started while you are dealing with the pack."

Soon as he left my bedroom I fell back on the bed and said to myself "damn I am so lucky with one!" and then I slowly left the bed and then the room and headed down stairs to let the pack out and saw him in the kitchen he was clearly in his element. So I came back into the kitchen after sorting out the pack's breakfast and walked straight up to him and cuddled into his back. When then I heard a knock on the door? And I looked at Marshall and he just went "you are expecting someone this morning?" and I replied as moving towards my front door, "umm no I wasn't but you know what family is like!"

With that I opened the door to find Natalie and Jay, standing on my front porch, and Jay said "morning Sis, me and Natalie thought we could all go for a hike today?" and then I replied with "well big bro that sounds great but next time could you give me a warning!" and then with that I welcomed them in, and shouted through to Marshall, "hey Marsh its just jay and Natalie, they fancied on going on hike with us today!" and just as us three walked into the kitchen.

Then him and jay did there little bro handshake and then he was like I should go put a top on, before we have breakfast, then he went off to the bedroom and put on a top as I was getting the dogs back in.

Jay's POV

Me and Natalie had decided to go for a hike on our day off and Owen was with Jeff's Mum for the weekend, and so we had the place to ourselves for once. Then we thought that this would be a great way to get to know Marshall better if we went for a hike and knew that had been Texas's plan was for them to go out and explore her backward, so we thought we could gatecrash their plans.

Time skip:

We had sat down at the table, for a coffee, since me and Nat had already had breakfast at our place, yep I love saying our place, and maybe Dylan's place well become Marshalls and hers, there was something I wanted to know I had been interested since last night about if Marshall was going to go back to the warzone or not? I just do not want my little sister to get hurt, or to lose a loved one before they had chance for a relationship.

After they finished I had said to them that me and Nat could clear up and get the hounds ready as they still needed to shower and change themselves and Dylan was thankful for the suggestion and then they went off and before long they came back and the both where ready for a day out hiking and we have even packed lunch and got the drinks sorted out.

Then I brought Dylan into my side and whispered, "you got nothing to worry about, we just thought we could get to know what he is like a little easier this way." And she replied "went jay I understand, that you also want to see what type of couple we are, and I know for a fact that you want to know if he is going to retire or not, am I right?" and I simply just nodded in response and with that, me and Marshall picked up the backpacks, then the girls said "wow how gentlemen of you both."

Then Dylan whistled and Diesel, Storm and Shadow, all came running straight to her, and then she put them on their leads and she then linked her arm with Natalie and then they started their girly conversation, and then I started to talk to Marshall, just trying to get to know him since he seems to be very involved in Dylan's life and she clearly wants him around, and I don't have a issue with him and he seems to be pretty prefect, match for Dylan.

Marshall's POV

Me and jay, started chatting about our experiences with the military and we of course was talking about the rangers and how different our roles where, and how mine was more reconnaissance and technical support and that I mostly worked in pairs, where he worked more as part of a 6 man team, it was actually really good to get to know Jay on this level. Then we started sharing stories on how us both meet Dylan, it was great to hear jay's stories about my girl and I think It was good to hear my stories about her and how we felt about each other in the past and how we still feel about each other.

But we both had asked one another about what the girls where talking about? And I looked at him and said, "we probably never know man." And jay replied, "yeah man your probably right on that."

Then jay had talked about being a step dad to Owen who was Natalie's son from a previous relationship, and how her ex was a ranger and I started to think that maybe this is the stuff that he can't tell Dylan, and then I finally felt it, jay trusted me, brother to brother, ranger to ranger with a few of his issues that he clearly he was holding on to. Then I knew that I could talk to him about how I was feeling with everything going on and on being with Dylan, the PTSD and yes I know I could tell Dylan anything but sometimes its not always easy to talk to the one you love about that, I know Dylan has always struggled with talking about and I think most of us soldiers do, I differently know that me and Jay are the same in that way, we much rather bottle it up then tell anyone, its not the healthy way but its not a wrong way but it differently the way that damages you the most.

My Military/P.D Big brother (Jay Halstead X One Chicago)Where stories live. Discover now