chapter 4

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(Still Jay's POV)

I knew Dylan was right about Natalie she was the type of girl I would go for, but I don't know she has a kid and all, I also don't want to put her life in danger with me be a cop.

Should I go for it?, great no I am noting going to be able to not think about this thanks Dylan!

Dylan looked me and said, "you know can't stop thinking about it can you?"and  he went "damn it Dylan how did you know?" and she just laughed. It feels so good to be around someone who just understands you the way she does. after that we made move and headed on out and we jumped into our vehicles and went are separate ways. 

Dylan's POV 

i have now been here for like 2 weeks, feels like i have been here for so much longer though and being around Jay again is great made me realize how much I had missed his company and advice over the last few years, he is the best big brother anyone can ask for.

friday night.....

Walking into Molly's everyone was there I had been a long day for them all, I could see it in their eyes and the way they all sitting, so I walked up to the bar where Kidd was and whispered to her that the next round of drinks for everyone was on me. She looked at me and asked why? And I went "cause it looks like you all need one!"

Then Brett out of nowhere came up to me and said "hey you're a EMT right?", I replied back "yes I am medic trained through the Army, mountain and fire department, why do you ask?" and she said "well gabby left firehouse 51 and we are looking for a replacement and I was thinking that you might be looking for a more permanent way to stay in Chicago long term?"

I was about to say something when a certain Halstead said "she will do it!" and I turned to him and said hey I'm not mute I can speak for myself, and turned back then suddenly Chief Boden, Lieutenant Casey and Lieutenant Severide , they where standing there waiting for my answer, and then I said "well Ranger boy here did say it right, I would love to join the firehouse 51's family!" then the whole bar cheered in happiness about me becoming a official one Chicago responder.

Jay said to me "its been while since you said that nickname Marine girl." So I looked at him he wasn't looking actually at me more past me to certain DR. who was in the house and he couldn't stop smiling, so I went to him "go ask her out before she gets taken by another man!" as I said that I slapped him on the arm and said you got nothing to lose ranger."

So then with what I had said he walked away and made a B line for Natalie, I just sat there and smiled and thought to myself at least this can give him a shot at love and happiness if she doesn't turn him down and all.

Brett came and sat next to me and said "wow can you set me up like that?" as she looked towards the back of the room where Jay and Natalie where in each other's company and it seemed to be going well from what I can see. So I took a sip of rum and said depends on who you want to be set up with?"

Brett laughed and carried on saying, "your one hell of good friend, Jay seems to be a different person now, more relaxed and happier again." Then I looked at him again, that's when will came over and said, "thanks for bringing my brother back from the dark." And Hailey said, "yea thanks for helping to get himself fixed." I said to them "well that's not a problem I'm glad to see him back to his old flirty ways again too!" we all laughed.

The evening carried on, we where all sharing stories from our very different pasts and upbringings all in all it was a good night, then Natalie caught me, "hey Dylan thank you, for everything you have done for Jay over the years I can tell he means a lot to you," I said "he does mean a lot to me, so you hurt him in any way and I will kick ass" as I said the last bit I did smile and she went to say "the younger protective sister I like that about you." 

My Military/P.D Big brother (Jay Halstead X One Chicago)Where stories live. Discover now