Chapter 16

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(Just to point out that Marshall Bennett is 28 years old so a year older than Dylan and two years younger than Jay)

Still Dylan's POV

There he was, standing there, outside the fire house in Chicago I was speechless, and I did not know what to do or think or even say...

He started to move closer to me and then he said "hi Dylan, its so good to finally see you in person again, and yes I didn't want to tell you that I was coming home, so that's why I have been radio silent with you, as I wanted to come surprise you and it looks like my plan worked." Stood there smirking at me and I smiled back at him and then I all I did was dropped my bag and jumped straight into his arms for a hug and then i looked into his beautiful eyes and I knew then that I really did love this man, then we leaned our heads against one and another's and then we proceeded to kiss.

Then we heard cheering and wolf whistling from behind us and that's when Marshall put me down and I spun around and said "firehouse 51, second shift meet Marshall Bennett, and Marshall Bennett, met the main part of my Chicago family. As they all introduced each other I stood back for a second and took it all in, he was here finally I could be with him in the physical I have waited months for this to happen and now its finally is and I get to introduce to him to jay as those two haven't meet before.

Then he was like well it's great to finally meet the family this one cant stop talking about." And then Casey piped up and said, "yeah its nice getting the chance to meet the man who has managed to make this young lady smile like crazy whenever she talks about you."

Then I went "ok well now we have all meet one and another I think its time to get going, as I said to Marshall." And then heard Herman go "hey you should bring Marshall here to molly's? there will be plenty more people who would like to meet him? And then I said, "I was thinking about that and yea I am sure we can make a visit to molly's at some point. But there is someone that I would like him to meet first though before we the extended Chicago family!" and Herman and the rest just nodded, as they knew who I was on about.

Then Marshall looked at and said "this military brother of yours? The one who you came to see and the whole reason why you ended up staying in this beautiful city?" and I didn't even to say anything back, I just nodded and rapped under his arm and as we started to head to my car.

Jays POV

I was sitting in the bullpen, at work finishing of some paperwork when Trudy came up the stairs followed by Dylan, and then I saw him, he was in full military uniform.

Then Dylan walked up to desk and then she said, "hey big bro, I have someone that I want you to meet, he means a lot to me." She gave me that look of please play nice.

Then I turned my head and stood up and moved over to him, and then I heard Dylan's voice, she went "Jay Halstead aka my big Chicago brother, this is the one and only Sergeant Marshall Bennett of the rangers unit Alpha 22 (made up unit). Then I went "hey man, its very nice to finally meet you, as this here cant seem to stop talking about you? Then I went "same back Jay its great to get the chance to meet you and she also cant stop talking about you either, and then we both laughed at that and we looked over at the girl in question and she didn't seem to impressed with either one of us right now.

Then I was like so how long are you home bound for? And Marshall replied "I am home bound for about 2 months, but the first thing I wanted to since I had landed back in the US is to come here to Chicago and surprise this special girl right here, she's has been able to keep me going over the last few months and we all miss her out there even her old unit was like oh please bring her back to the military!, and then she went "well I can believe that they are missing me, and nah I wouldn't go back to that world, I have had my military adventure!"

Then I was like "oh we should introduce to the rest of the 21st district, then I pointed out who was who in the intelligence unit and then I said "hey Dylan will you too be joining us tonight at mollys? At least gives us a better chance to chat and get to know your man here? And then she went "yeah I am sure we can stop in at mollys tonight, as I would like Marshall to get to know you and the rest of my Chicago family." Then she just smiled at him and he was like "I am so looking forward to checking out this bar, as I keep hearing about it and it would be nice to get to you jay and the crew at 51, and the rest of yous as you all seem very important to this one." As he finished he put his arm around her neck and brought her into his side and she was blushing/ smiling.

I was so happy to see her so happy with someone again, and then I said "so I guess she is going to give you tour of Chicago? And he said, "yea she wants me to see the city she fell in love with over the last good few months." And then Dylan was like "well on that note, we should go and let you finish of your report, and we shall see you all tonight at mollys right? And as a group we all said yes in response and then she went, "alright good, come on then Marsh lets go."

With that they we off heading down the stairs, and then Adam turned to me, said "hey man, you alright there? And I replied, "hell yeah, it's just great to see her so happy and in love, I just hope he doesn't hurt her though or else he will have it coming to him."

Then Burgess said "well she knows how to pick them, he seems like a genuinely lovely guy and I don't feel like he want to hurt her and then Hailey was like "and to add to Burgess's comment he is also a ranger jay? That is something right? I mean you always seem to trust ranger boys.

Then sitting back down at my desk, Hailey's comment ringing through my head that he was a ranger, and then I knew she had picked the right guy to fall in love with, and don't get me wrong I had heard about Marshall way before now, but they just weren't in the right place back then and I guess now that they are older and she's not military anymore I guess they finally in the right place.

Then I said "well guys, let us see how tonight goes right? You are all coming out right, it will be good to get to know him more, with that we all went back to finishing off are reports and the quicker we do that, the quicker we can get out and down to mollys for a round of drinks.

My Military/P.D Big brother (Jay Halstead X One Chicago)Where stories live. Discover now