Chapter 31

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*photo is to represent Dylan's unit, it is actually photo of the 'seal team' characters* 

Dylan's POV

I heard Severide's comment, which made everyone stop as we all stood there and then I lifted my head and looked at my car, as a smile started to appear on my face , then Brett said, "I am guessing from that reaction you know them right?" and I nodded in response.

Then Kidd said, "so who are they?" and I replied, "they are my boys, from my marine unit". That's when everyone sort of nodded in an understanding way as they now know who the boys standing around my car where. Then Casey said, "so I am guessing you had no idea they where coming to Chicago?" and I replied, "I had no idea, they were coming here."

Then we said our goodbyes, as I crossed the road heading straight to my car and to boys, I will introduce them to my Chicago crew tomorrow or tonight, but right now I just want to feel there group hug.

Capt. Morgan said "well, well, well if isn't it our girl?, hello Lieutenant Jones" and then I said, "Wow that's such a formal greeting captain?" then we burst into laughter and told them to get over here and then we ended up in a big buddle, I haven't felt this kind of love for a long time.

Eventually we broke the group hug and I looked around at my brothers still trying to take it all in that they are here, that's when heard Jake say, "Its so good to see Jones" and I replied, "yeah its great seeing you boys too." Then I suggested we had back to my house, to chill out and have a good catch up.

We got back to mine I still couldn't believe my old crew was here with me right now, they have seen me at worst and seen me at my very best, god I miss these boys so much, don't get me wrong I love my firehouse family but these boys are just another level.

So we all settle down In the living room, the dogs are happy with the extra company, and then I ask, "so what are you boys all doing here?" and that's when Morgan spoke up "well us boys wanted to check in with you, it been a while since we had heard from you and we got worried so we thought before we re-deployed we should come to visit you?"

then I said, "ah right yeah, I have had a slight wee identity issue the last few weeks or so, and been going through something but I have been able to go shooting again, I mean I differently cannot shot like I use too, but it's a step in the right direction as I wasn't sure if I could face those memories or feelings again."

"so I am sorry, I worried you boys, but firehouse family are very good in supporting me and if you have the time I would like to introduce yous to them? Oh yeah, there is familiar face here I am sure you guys will know him." Then they all said "Jay Halstead" and I just smile in response.

But then Callum said, "yeah us boys would love to meet your new family too." The rest of boys nodded in agreement. Then Jake said "well being here and seeing you has assured us that you are ok, which is the main thing but I cant wait to see Halstead again as its been a while, we have seen Mouse overseas on our last tour, he kinda caught us up a little about you."

Then I said, "oh did he now?, haha that does sound like mouse though, its chill and I am glad you guys got the chance to cross paths with him." Morgan, said "he wasn't the only one we crossed recently who seem interested in you?" I looked up at my old captain, I said to myself well I couldn't be Bennett as he was discharged months ago, well it could be? And so I said, "oh you bumped into Bennett then?" and he said "no, it wasn't Bennett, by yeah we had seen him, there is someone else."

I looked up at them all, then Morgan said, "hey Jones think about it, really think he was an old flame of yours?" and then I dawned on me who they where talking about, so I said "Swagger?" then Jake said "ding, ding, ding, you are right with that answer."

My Military/P.D Big brother (Jay Halstead X One Chicago)Where stories live. Discover now