chapter 11

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(a/n - i feel like this song fits quite well with this chapter.)

Jay's Pov

There I was standing with Dylan walking through the walls of Chicago MED, currently on our way to go see mouse and my mind was racing with all these questions and all thoughts about how he look's and does he really want me here??

Then I got brought out of my thoughts when Dylan went "hey earth to Halstead!, are you there?" I go yeah, yeah I am here sorry just got lost in my thoughts. She turned to me and said he really wants to see you and to speak with you will be a good thing to know that we are both backing him.

Then we reached his room and we walked in and there he was lying in the bed, but he is conscious, he was looking out the window, then he heard the door and then he looked over at me and Dylan and said hey guys, how are the both of yous? 

We both went where good, but Dylan looked at me (that look of ask him how he is doing?) then I went hey buddy how are you doing? You had me worried and I wanted to apologize about the last time we spoke or saw each other, I was not a very supporting friend and I was a dick.... Mouse and I am sorry.

Mouse looked at me and said jay there is no need to apologize to me, I totally understand where you were coming from I mean this one (as in Dylan) had the same worries, I looked at her.

 she then spoke yes, jay you weren't the only one who was worried that mouse here wasn't making the right choice but then I remembered what mouse was like as a soldier and thats when i knew that he would be ok and i also knew that  when he would come home because he had you jay his best friend to help him out.

Then mouse went but I am glad that I have brother and sister in the same city, then we all laughed, then went "oh mouse thank you for getting Dylan to come to Chicago, that was exactly what I needed so thank you brother for getting our little sister to check in with me, its allowed us too to patch up, our friendship right Dylan.

 She looked at us and nodded in agreement, then she went yea, I'm glad I got my brother back and I am even more happier that I have both of you here on home soil safe and sound.

Then mouse, went to Dylan "you sure your cool with me staying at your place while I am recovering?" she replied "mouse I wouldn't have it any other way, you are going to need your friends and living with me just means that me and jay can keep a closer eye on you!"

Then we all smiled at one another, ok Dylan was right this is what we all needed, I am glad that I never lost either of those two as friends, as I do not know if I would be alive if it was not for the both of them.

Jays phone goes off - hey sarge, yeah ok I can at the scene in 10, meet you all there. I looked up from my phone and said, "sorry you two, but intelligence just got a case so I am going to have go, but mouse I will come back and check in with you later alright." Then I was walking out when I heard them both say, "love you be safe, and do us a favor, don't die." Then I smiled and that was a saying we all said to each other before we out into the field.

Dylan's POV

After jay left, I looked at mouse and sat on the end of his bed, and really looked at him and said "you can tell me if your not ok?, I am here and I am not going anywhere mouse... so if you have anything you need to say or what not just know I can handle it and so can jay alright so please don't bottle up your problems, please talk to either one of us.

As I do not want to lose you down that nasty path again ok. Mouse looked at me, nodded and carried on saying, "when I am ready to talk, then I will talk to the both of you, but it will take me a bit of time to handle it before I am ready to tell others about it. But then I know that you Dylan have been in the same position and as I am on a role, thank you for being here for me and for jay, I am very lucky to have both of you.

Eventually I left mouse, as he had become tired and he needed a rest, so I walked out and bumped into Maggie, me and here had a small conversation as always. But it was weird cause I also felt drained, so I jumped in my car and headed home... no mollys tonight I need to get a goodnight sleep as I have shift tomorrow, I glad that mouse is alive and that's he is home even if its just for recovery reasons, the three musketeers are back together again. 

My Military/P.D Big brother (Jay Halstead X One Chicago)Where stories live. Discover now