Chapter 40...

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Jay’s POV

As we all sat in the waiting room, just waiting to hear some sort of news of how Dylan was, the rest of 21 had arrived they brought food and drinks, see here as first responders we tend to check in with one another when something bad happens.

I received a message from mouse saying he was on his way to pick Bob-lee up, I replied with ‘ok’ and left it as that and went back to thinking about how many times I had been here waiting on news if my little sister is going to make it or not.

Dylan’s POV

*(Dreamland – Dylan is currently in surgery)*

I start to open my eyes… here I was floating on a cloud…. I started to sit up and then that’s when I saw peter pan aka (my own personal Grimm Reaper)

You see some people believe they have Guardian angels watching over them, but for me nah I 100 % have a Grimm Reaper, and in some ways I wonder if that’s how I got my nickname…..

Peter pan, looked down at me and said, “oh for the love of crap!, women I thought this wouldn’t happen now you had left the Army but I guess you have deal with death!”

and by the way should point out that my Grimm reaper isn’t a lookie like to peter pan, it was just the first name that I said the first time I saw him, my very first near-death situation…. Happened before I even enlisted….

I then made it to my feet, and said “well I also didn’t expect to back here quite so soon, I was unaware of how major the injury was…ok plus common admit it you missed me a little right?”

“missed you?.....Ummm let me think about that for a second….. well I mean ever since I first met you I know I would be seeing you a lot here in no man’s land, but I hoped you wouldn’t been quite so quick….

but you never remember these meetings once your awake so how do I know you generally have missed me….?......

Oh before we go any further I should explain no man’s land, it’s the place between the living and the dead, souls tend to wake up here when they are fighting for the lives or there soul cant move on but then again, this isn’t real right or was it????

Then I looked back to the Grimm Reaper and said, “so how close was I to joining the underworld?”

He simply replied, “you my dear are more alive than dead.”

And then he pushed me of the cloud and I starting falling through the air…….

Bob-lee’s POV:

I walked, I mean more jogged out the airport, found mouse and jumped straight into his car and we started making our way to Chicago Med, Urgh I can’t believe this…. I need to be there when she wakes up, this time I know I have to be there.

I had dropped her unit boys a message to inform them of what was currently happening with Dylan, as they deserved the right to know they told me to keep them informed on her progress and the usual well wishes, etc.

Before I knew it me and Mouse had arrived at med, I walked in to find Jay, fire house 51 and the rest the 21st police unit, all waiting here for information.

Jay pulled me in to a brothers hug, we had known each other a long time, and I asked if they had heard anything yet and Jay shook his head and said, “nah brother nothing yet.” And I simply nodded in response and took a seat and sat there just waiting for a doctor to come tell us something.

But about 20 minutes had passed it felt more like 20 years, when a doctor came through the doors, it was Ethan Choi,  he looked at me and then everyone else but he came back to me and Jay then proceeded to say...

“well she is very lucky, she pulled through it was touch and go for parts but she is a fighter, she wont be awake for a while but you may go visit her and  bob-Lee, Jay and even you Mouse are welcome to stay with her for longer as I am aware she isn’t fan of being in hospitals.

I being a gentleman, I let firehouse 51 go visit her first, and once they had been and gone, us three said we would let them all know when she was finally awake…and here I am once again sitting by girlfriends bed hoping / praying she will wake up, you see both of us have been here to many times…

It was the scariest feeling, not knowing if the one you love will wake up again, but thing is Dylan is a fighter and she wont go down without one.

Me, Jay and Mouse all got talking about different things, Jay started talking about how this move for Dylan will be good and even though he will miss her, its whats best and its about time she faced her past and mouse agreed with Jay that Dylan really needed to face the past.

Then he had said that she seemed to homesick a lot and she kept talking about how much she misses the Texan heat and dirt, which made me smile and laugh a little, that’s when I remember why I feel In love with her and never stopped loving her….


Here I was in the middle of the desert, with a girl of my dreams…. I mean this woman should not exist she is heaven and what makes her even more special is that she is sharpshooter like me…

she understands me, knows how hard it is to do what we do, and I don’t even know how I got so lucky to call this beautiful girl mine.

Then all of sudden someone tackles me and jumps on my back and then I felt lips kissing my neck, then a warm breathe in my ear “hey baby did you miss me handsome?” and so with one quick move I pulled her body around from my back to my front and looked at her in the eyes, kissed her beautiful lips and replied back,

“yes Beauty I did miss you a lot!” and then I walked her to the wall which lead to a very heated make out season…

End of the flashback…

I got pulled out of my thoughts when Dylan’s monitors started going crazy, and then us three watched as her eyelids started to move and that’s when us three in unison said, “oh my god, she’s finally waking up!” after 3 hours of coming out of surgery…….

Dylan’s Pov

Urgh I feel groggy, as I start to move my eyes… urgh I feel saw.. and what was happening to me….where am I…. and then my eyes popped open, I saw Bob-lee, Jay and Mouse standing at the end of the bed, I then looked to my left and saw Maggie and to my right I saw Dr. Choi and that’s when it suddenly clicked with me….

I was in the Hospital… I am trying to remember what happened….

Then I heard Bob-lee’s voice “hey sleepy head, your ok now and I am not going aware, don’t try and talk just yet beauty…let yourself wake up slowly, don’t rush to move as you have stitches in your abdomen and in your lower left leg, oh my love I thought I nearly lost you again....

so glad your back in the world of the living, but you just rest now, let’s talk tomorrow..”

Then with that I felt my already heavy eye lids close once again….

My Military/P.D Big brother (Jay Halstead X One Chicago)Where stories live. Discover now