Chapter 27

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Jay's POV

I woke up too Owen cuddled in between me and Natalie, which I love waking up like this and yes I am finally going back to work, and I have been cleared to back out in the field which is just the best news ever!

So I try my best to crawl out of the bed to try and not disturb Owen or his mum, which for a ranger like me isn't that hard, made it to the kitchen and started making breakfast and not before long i heard Owen running down the stairs and he ran into the kitchen and shouted "morning DADDY!" and I replied "well good morning buddy!, did you have bad dream last night huh?" and he nodded in reply and I said "aww buddy its ok, we all have bad dreams, and how about we talk about it when I get home from work this afternoon?" and yes Owen nodded, then I put him down I then walked over the Natalie and said "morning beautiful, I have to run to work, so have a great shift."

She replied "morning, oh ok well maybe we could grab lunch?" and I nodded in response and said I will drop by MED for our lunch date and then I headed out and off to work and I had the biggest smile on my face, I loved my job and just being able to get back to it and be able serve this city probably again is just great!

21st District:

I walked into the building and I looked around, I was finally psyched cleared to return to full active duty, walking up the stairs, dreading it as I was still getting little flashbacks from things that went down up in this bullpen but walking up the stairs and hearing the team already up there and joking and laughing made it easier for to face those images.

As I reached the top Adam looks at me and says "hey are you good man?" and I say "yeah dude sorry just taking it all in that I am officially back to full active duty!" and they all smiled and laughed as we all at one point known whats it like to ride the desk either due to Voight telling you too or its because of an injury.

The day was a pretty slow moving we didn't currently have a open case so we where just catching up on paper work and not before long it was lunch the others where all going out together and they did ask me but I declined and told them I having lunch with Natalie and yeah they all started to pick on me and saying that I was whipped and the usual.

Natalie's POV

I was actually pretty busy at work and I couldn't wait to get a break and actually getting to have a date with Jay would be lovely we haven't had one in while as I was day dreaming I was unware of jays presence until I felt his arms rap around by waist and he rested his head on my shoulder and said "hi, Doc hows your morning going?" and I stood there in his arms for another second just taking this whole hug in you know, I then turned around and gave him a kiss and said "well actually my morning has been bit busy and I am so ready for lunch, how about you?" then he said "well we have been quite so just been catching up on paperwork and ripping the crap out of each other so the usual."

Then me and him sat down on the roof garden and just chatted and it was lovely date, and I didn't want it to end but I got paged about one of my patients, and that was the date over. Which I was said about but I know that I get to go home to him and to my son tonight and thought kept me smiling on the way down to the floor where I had been called too.

Jay's POV

Well finally it was the end of the day, my word its so boring doing paperwork all day, but I loved my lunch, me and Natalie need to this more often it was great, but now I am going home to see Owen and hopefully I can help him get over this bad dream he keeps having over the last few weeks, I mean don't get me wrong I love waking up to him and his mother cuddling but this is something that needs to be sorted so he feels safe enough to sleep in his own room and bed, but I have a wee bit of brilliant idea! For this it's a coping technique.

So I got home and walked in, and I had the best welcome home hug from Owen, he was so happy to see me, and we said our little hellos and then his nanny had finished cleaning up in the kitchen and it wasn't long until she left. So then I was just me and Owen now he doesn't want to tell anyone about his Nightmares, so I have an idea to help him and hopefully give him a chance to talk about them.

So we sat down in the kitchen and we both started to draw, and I told him to draw what was making him scared at night aka (the nightmare). Turns out the drawing idea worked and eventually found out that he was having a scarry dream about this scary pumpkin that seemed to live in wardrobe and how this pumpkin says all this horrible things, which scares him, of course it would he is 3 years old, and damn this kids imagination is pretty amazing, I mean the detail of it just wow.

So I rescued him that the pumpkin couldn't hurt him or hurt me or his mummy, and then I said how about we go and make his room pumpkin safe, and he nodded and I told him that there is no need to scared we will face it together and that he will always be safe with me and in this house I promised him that.

So we got to his room and we checked everywhere and there was no spooky pumpkin in sight, so he got ready for bed and then I read him a story and he drifted of to sleep and so I put the book down, got comfortable on my camp bed on the floor which was placed between his bed and the wardrobe for protection reasons.

Then I heard Natalie come home and she came up and looked down at me and then she popped down on the camp bed and whispered "what you doing?" And I simply replied protecting the prince from the scary evil pumpkin in the wardrobe!" and she just smiled at me and said ok Knight, I am going to have shower and leave you to duties as I don't want to distract you form your important job!" and she then kissed me and got up and gave Owen a kiss and proceeded to leave Owen's room.

My Military/P.D Big brother (Jay Halstead X One Chicago)Where stories live. Discover now