Chapter 22

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*warning there is swearing in this chapter*

Dylan's POV

The next morning came around, quicker than it thought I would as I packed my bag and started to head out of the house, I took in the sunshine and headed straight for my car, I heard Casey and few others saying goodbye, to me and everyone. With that I jumped into my car and phoned jay to tell him that I was out of work and to ask where he wanted to meet?

He thought it might be better to meet at my place, he said its calming and its more relaxed than a busy coffee shop or what not, so I was totally in agreement so we hung up and I started driving to my place. i started thinking to myself on the drive home...

Jay wasn't the only one between the both us who was going through crap right now, Me and Marshall had called it Quits, i knew it was coming though, i knew i wouldn't be able to handle it if something bad happened to him while he was out there overseas, but we did say we will stay friends and help each other out which i guess is the positive and now should I tell Jay?

I wasn't waiting long before jay turned up, he looked like a mess! then he walked straight to me and into my already opening arms for a hug and he said "yeah I know I look like shit! Don't worry sergeant got there first... then I looked at him and smiled at that comment and I said well he wasn't wrong Chicago.

Jay's POV

As me and Dylan walked in, the first thing was the dogs wanted all the attention they could get from us and they are amazing dogs and Dylan differently spoils them too, the plan for this morning was to have breakfast and coffees, then we can go and sit out by the lake? And I nodded back in agreement.

Eventually after we had breakfast, we took our coffees out side with us as we went to sit by the lake, I looked over at Dylan and she was just sitting there peaceful, and she looked back at me and said "hey Jay whenever your ready, you can tell me whats going on? Even if this takes all day I am here and I am not going any aware alright, brother."

I replied, "yea thanks Dylan, I just have to find the strength to get the words out you know" and she from the same cloth when it comes to these problems.

I was a wee bit shaky to start off with, "well what happened with Logan that day I should never of happened but somehow it did, my plan failed the client died, and so did Logan he was team mate my partner we watched each other's sixes you know what that's like that type of relationship of trust.

He even signed up to the police academy, he got in...he was going to be able to become a cop...but now that's never going to happen.." (I started to cry at this point, I felt Dylan touch my shoulder in a comforting way).

I then cleared my throat, "this whole event, it took me back to this incident from when I was in the rangers, when my team's convoy got ambushed, when we where overseas, but there was a different of course there was a bomb, and we ended up with two men dead and another two seriously injured and they ended up having to retire due to their injuries.

Then me and my unit, hunted those fuckers who tried to take us out and we took them out, and that feeling of revenge is running through my blood that I want to find this crew and take them out for what they did to Logan, I know Dylan that's wrong and I shouldn't think like that but that's where my mind is at.

I want to fucking kill this crew or whoever hit us and get payback for Logan I don't care about the client the, clients always changed but I was tight with Logan this is not fair I want to serve some payback. I got lost in my thoughts for a second....

it was only when I heard Dylan say "hey Jay, I get it and I know how much you want to hurt or kill these guys for what they did to Logan and the rest of team, I know two are in the hospital but I know that's not you, I know that heart of yours is hurting but I also know that heart can't take the damage or the pain anymore and fuck yeah I know what its like to serve military revenge! But that isn't us anymore and I know that you always struggled more after those types of missions."

"I know what feels like to get that revenge but Jay, I also know how much it weighs on the heart, and that thoughts that keep going around your head, being like "did we do the right thing? And then you start to question that choice and remember we are not in the military and life works differently for us now...."

"But I know that your team will find these crew and will but them behind bars for life, but Jay I want you to hear what about to tell you!... You need to step away Jay, these case is causing you to have flash backs / PTSD for one, secondly you are not yourself and your suggesting violent response and thirdly you are to close to this!, I think its whats best for your mental health."

I looked up at her and said "what the fuck Dylan!... are you really going to sit there telling me that I should step away from this case! What the hell!" I stood up, I started walking away heading to my truck I was so pissed right now! Urgh! How dare she even suggest that i walk away, hell No i'm finishing this case and this crew is going to get what's coming for them!

Then I heard her shout "hey Halstead I know for a fact that if this situation was the other way around you would have told me the same thing!" and I then turned around to face her again, then I said "well Voight wants me to ride the fucking desk and then your fucking saying I should not work this case, its like you guys can't trust me!"

Then she said " well fuck it jay you don't even trust yourself or your own thoughts right now and yes I agree with Voight that you shouldn't be out in the field but I don't think that's enough, I don't want you to get hurt or hurt someone else cause you are not thinking straight, or because your thinking like a ranger! 

Jay look at the bigger picture please, fuck sake, you know I am bloody fucking right, and sure if this were flipped you would be telling me that I need to walk away before I do something I will regret!... so yes I just think you shouldn't be involved with this case anymore.

But you know what Jay do what the fuck you want, but I am telling you right now, if you carry on down this path don't bloody expect me to pick you up and to help you but yourself back together!

Then with that Dylan walked away from me and slammed her front door! And left me standing there on her driveway, then I walked to the door and left my mug on her front door mat, I turned around and walked back to truck, then I started driving away from her place and I was lost in my thoughts again and I started to think maybe Dylan was right? was she though?  

I mean, would I tell her to walk away if this was flipped?.......

My Military/P.D Big brother (Jay Halstead X One Chicago)Where stories live. Discover now