Power Played

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I feel like I'm always saying sorry at the start of my chapters these days, so how about we change it to... welcome? Haha. Stays quiet until the awkwardness passes. ANYWAYS! Let's get straight into the chapter shall we?

Gary and I finally stopped running, and thankfully for my voice, stopped shouting at each other too. But do you wanna know the reason we stopped? Because Gary, being the idiot he is, bumped into someone and somehow has ended up in a battle!

Umbreon and I simply shared a look and sighed as we knew we were going to have to sit through this. We both decided to sit behind Gary where his bag was placed (at least here we likely won't get hit) and watch the match.

The guy has an Alakazam and Gary went with his Umbreon. I swear every time he brings out his Umbreon it feels like an Umbreon party!

Alakazam starts things off by launching a Zap Cannon attack toward the other side of the battlefield, but misses when Umbreon leaps into the air just in time. Alakazam then tries a Psychic attack, but thankfully Umbreon is unaffected and left unscathed once again. Both myself and the trainer were confused, it didn't seem to affect Umbreon at all!

"I thought you'd be smarter than to use a Psychic attack against an Umbreon" Gary says, feeling superior over this trainer.

I swear this guy has some kind of God complex. At least Umbreon and I know for future reference that Psychic moves have no effect on him. Good to know!

Using its Headbutt next, Alakazam charges forth at its opponent at an alarming speed. However, Umbreon dodges and takes advantage of the situation by quickly Tackling after. No matter how many times I see it, and would never admit to Gary, I'm always impressed by how swift his Umbreon moves.

I guess Umbreon and I need to do more training... and mine evolved before his did! Typical.

Alakazam recovers from the blow, retaliating with a Dynamic Punch, which Umbreon easily evades with the help of its Agility. Alakazam then pulls off a Double Team and sends all its clones to strike at once. I thought one was bad enough! But now there's so many I don't know where to look. Umbreon and I began doing the same as Gary's Umbreon and turning our heads in every direction to find the original.

"Maybe that one? No that one!" I said pointing to each of the Alakazams.

Lets face it, I have no idea which is the real one.

Gary tells Umbreon to stay calm to be able to sense the real Alakazam, which it does with ease. While my Umbreon and I are still trying to track down the real one by sight alone. If Gary could see us right now I'm sure he wouldn't ever let me live it down.

Back in the battle, Umbreon tracks down Alakazam and is grounded, but just as Umbreon is about to connect with a Quick Attack, it teleports away. Umbreon frantically searches for the whereabouts of its opponent, while the other trainer tells his Pokémon to end the battle with a Hyper Beam.

Gary notices the strange light coming from his left, and warns Umbreon about the imminent attack. It jumps up at the last minute, and finishes Alakazam off using Hidden Power.

I've seen Gary and Umbreon battle hundreds of times, but this was one of their best battles. But you can be sure I wouldn't tell him that, his ego is big enough as it is! If I gave him one more compliment I'm afraid his head would explode.

"Well?" Gary asks looking to me smiling, obviously waiting for me to shower him in praise.

I walk over with my Umbreon by my side and lean down to Gary's Umbreon and stroked its head.

"You were brilliant out there Umbreon, I don't even think you needed that annoying noise in the background. Think it would've just put me off" I said in a sweet tone while smiling.

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