Electrifying Personality

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So here we are again, the Pokémon Centre, it's getting pretty late now, but I need to get Growlithe checked out. I got to admit, even though he wasn't listening to me and tried to burn Eevee and me to death, that Growlithe had quite a lot of determination.

But he's safe, and hopefully relaxed in his Pokéball now, so I'm sure he'll be fine when I take him back to Nurse Joy in the Pokémon Centre.

After, what seemed like an hour's walk, we found our way back to the Pokémon Centre, that garden area behind the Pokemon Centre is bigger than it seems. Now, in my defence, we weren't that far away in the first place, but it was dark, and I was tired, ok! This is hard work, you know.

The automatic doors slid open; I walked through with Eevee still by my side and tiredly made our way through to the end, coming across other tired trainers along the way. 

As we walked up to the main desk once again (I swear Nurse Joy probably thinks I purposely hurt my Pokémon, they may call a Pokémon social worker! That isn't a thing, is it?). 

"Hey, Nurse Joy, could you help my Growlithe? He got into a pretty rough fight" (against me).

I try to play it off as nicely as I could, just in case she did think I was some abusive Pokémon trainer that doesn't deserve to be around Pokémon.

I felt like she was staring into my soul as she looked at the Pokéball, then looking up to meet my eyes. We stood there for, what felt like, forever until she finally smiled and said,

"Of course Liz, Growlithe will be just fine". She said sweetly, and with that oh so familiar high pitched tone.

Oh thank God, she doesn't think I'm a horrible human being!

"Chansey could you do a full check-up on Growlithe for me?" Nurse Joy asks her Pokémon assistant.

It lets out a squeal to show that it happily agrees, taking the Pokeball and leaving through the double doors.

"Um, Nurse Joy, is there a chance that you have any spare rooms for tonight?" I asked hopefully

She just sent me a small frown, oh no, this isn't going to be good. 

"Oh, I'm sorry, Liz, there are no other rooms available at the moment." She sad sadly, that high voice going the tiniest bit lower.


"Well, that's ok; we can just have a little campout outside." I said turning my head to Eevee.

And just like that, the thunder echoed throughout the Pokémon Centre, causing the lights to constantly flicker from the sudden jolt of energy that surged through them. 

I guess the weather hates me, that's just great. 

I look down to Eevee again, smiling and see him looking up at me, smiling back.

"Sleeping on the couch sounds like our only option unless you want to sleep in your Pokéball, Eevee? I'm sure that would be a lot more comfortable for you" 

But Eevee shook his head and walked closer to me, I felt his soft head rubbing against my leg, with a smile plastered on this face. 

"I'm gonna take that as a no, alright then you can sleep with me." I said, the smile never fading. 

I placed my backpack on the couch and used it as a pillow, laying down with a blanket placed over me. Eevee soon joined me, jumping up and cuddling into me, as we slept through the night.

 Eevee soon joined me, jumping up and cuddling into me, as we slept through the night

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