Ghosts Galore

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We finally made it... Ecruteak City! And with that brings a whole new challenge. That challenge you ask? The Gym battle of course!

This is the Gym that I have been dreading the most, seeing as it's a Ghost type Gym, and I don't do too well around Ghost types. We all remember my experiences in that mysterious forest with the Hoothoot and the Ghost types? That Gengar still haunts me...

Gary and I continued walking through the city, taking in the different attractions that surrounded us, when Gary decided to but into my day dreaming session-

"So, how you feeling about this match then?" Gary asked while we walked together.

"Put it this way, they may as well give us the Gym badge now, right Umbreon?" I replied, putting on a confident front.

"Umbreon!" He replied confidently.

"You sure? You looked pretty nervous before" Gary asked, looking concerned (for once)

"I swear we have this conversation every time a Gym battles comes up. You ask if I'm nervous, I say I'm good, we have the battle, and done! You're starting to sound like a broken record is all I'm saying" I said, shrugging my shoulders as Umbreon and I continued on ahead.

Gary sighed, knowing I was attempting to change the subject, while simultaneously trying to annoy him on purpose. However, he decided to let it go and catch up to Umbreon and I.

We continued through the city when we came across a giant burned building.

"Think they had a barbecue that got out of hand?" I asked sarcastically.

"You seriously have never heard of the Burned Tower?" Gary asked condescendingly.

"No? Enlighten me."

"Originally it was called the Tin Tower, it was built to promote understanding between people and Pokemon. Over the decades the Tin Tower became special for another reason, because it was the only place in the world where Ho-Oh made contact with humans. The visits were a sign of peace but it would only appear to a chosen few people. But one day, invaders stormed the tower, wanting to use Ho-Oh's power for evil purposes. During their fight the tower caught on fire, the Ho-Oh flew away and has never been seen again. There is another Tin Tower not too far from here, it was rebuilt so Ho-Oh felt like it could have a place to return to, but as far as I know, it hasn't returned." Gary said, finishing his story.

"Huh, pretty impressive" I stated, feeling in awe of the history the tower held.

"You seem to know a lot about this tower" A voice said from behind us.

Gary and I turned around to see who it was. Standing a few steps behind us was a man with spikey blonde hair and a blue headband, wearing a blue and yellow top with a Gengar by his side.

"My grandpa used to tell me the stories when I was a kid" Gary said proudly.

"You're kidding? Professor Oak used to tell you these stories?" I asked, shocked at this revelation.

"Huh? Your grandfather is the Professor Oak, from Kanto?" The guy with the Gengar asked us.

"Uh, yeah. My name's Gary Oak, and this is my friend Liz" Gary said, introducing us both.

"And this is my partner, Umbreon" I added.

"It's nice to meet you all, I'm Morty. I'm the Ecruteak Gym leader, and this is my partner, Gengar."

"Wait. You're the Gym leader?!?" Gary and I both asked.

"Haha, yep. I come here to check on the Ghost types that live in the tower, but I didn't expect to run into someone who knows so much about it, considering I assume that neither of you are from here."

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