This is Weird

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Sorry guys, recently decided to ACTUALLY proofread my stuff (and as I'm sure you can guess I found a lot of mistakes) but I've changed it a little, not much so it's not life-changing, don't worry 😉 but it may impact the next chapter a little. Just a little.

So, who saw this coming? Because I know I didn't! Somehow I'm travelling around on my Pokémon journey with some guy called Gary Oak. At first, I thought I would be travelling on my own, then I got Eevee as my partner, and we started our journey. But then not long after I ended up travelling with Ash, Misty and Brock (they were strange) and now I'm with Gary (who's even stranger) am I some sort of magnet for these kind of people?

We left the Pokemon Centre together and, if I'm honest, I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do. The sky's blue, the Pidgey's are chirping, and...

I still don't have a clue where I'm going with this.

"Since we're on our way to Violet City..." Gary began

Oh, that's where we're going!

"Which has the Flying type Gym, I suggest we do some training. I need to catch some Pokémon and you can train on the sidelines if ya like?" Gary said with a 'know it all' tune to it.

"Wait, why don't I get to have a new Pokémon?" I asked, feeling a sting of jealousy

It's a fair question. Why should he get a new Pokémon and I don't? I feel he's made a competition to catch the most Pokémon in his mind and conveniently forgot to tell me.

"What? You realise you already have a Pokémon that has an advantage against Flying types, right?" He asked.

"I do?" I questioned.

Gary then looked at me as if I was stupid. I mean... everyone gives me that look, but this time it was like I was being extra stupid.

"You have Pichu! Pichu is an Electric type, which is super effective against Flying types!" Gary shouted, his eyes getting bigger the more he explained.

Ooooooh!!! Oh ok. Yeah. Yeah, I was being stupid.

"Pichu! How could I forget about Pichu? Well if Pichu is the one I'm going to use in the next Gym, then I need to do some serious training." I rambled on, trying to forget about my previous idiocy.

"That's why I said about doing training, Liz!" He shouted back as he sped ahead.

Jeez, what happened to the polite and awkward guy I met the other day? How things change, huh?

I must say though, this makes things a lot easier, I hate being fake.

"Alright Mr smart alec, I'm all caught up now, so I have a little suggestion." I said gaining his attention.

Gary instantly gained a smug look on his face, what did I say that was so interesting?

"Alright then, what's this amazing suggestion of yours?" He asked turning back around to face me.

"Well, I wouldn't call it 'amazing', but it's a suggestion still. Instead of me standing around, training and all. How about I tag along? Train along the way?"

"Aw, you just can't stand being away from me, huh?" He said, his smug smile somehow getting wider.

What?!? Wow ok then, cocky guy, thinking I have some sort of crush on him? Thinking that I can't even spend 2 minutes away before breaking down crying. Like I'd ever, ever, be like that. Hahaha!

I thought carefully before saying,

"Just the thought of not having you by my side every minute of every day leaves me feeling like I'm in a dark pit of loneliness. Don't EVER leave my side!" I shouted as I went to grab his arm.

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