Is It Supposed To Be This Hard?

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My journey has finally begun, Eevee and I are off. I have officially started my journey with my first Pokémon.

Lucky for Eevee, it gets to spend most of its time in the Pokeball, while I do all the hard work... walking! I wish we could take it in turns you know? Maybe in a mile Eevee could do some walking while I take a quick nap in the Pokeball? No? Well, it was worth a try, I guess.

I had already bid farewell to the crazy man. Yes, I mean Professor Elm, he's a sweet guy, just a little, unhinged? I think that's the right word to use here. But I spent so long in that lab that someone came along and stole my bike! The nerve of some people, funnily enough I was intending on actually using that bike!

So, now I'm forced to walk everywhere. Is there some invisible force that's making me do all this extra exercise? If so, I'm not happy about this, it's only been 2 days and I'm quite far out of town, the only problem is that I'm not quite sure where I am though? I did say I have a bad sense of direction!

There are lots of trees around, so I'm guessing I'm in a forest, but who knows, with the luck I'm having I've ended up in a Stantler's Hypnosis and wondering around in circles.

There are so many bug Pokemon here

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There are so many bug Pokemon here. I swear I've seen a million Caterpie's and Weedle's already, but I'm not here for bug Pokemon, I'm looking for a strong Pokemon, not that I'm saying that bug types are weak, I just mean... oh who am I kidding? I've said it and I can't exactly go back, all the bug types here are weak! There! I said it... in my head at least.

However, since I'm here I should try and take advantage of the situation... how about a little training?

Once again, I come across another little Weedle,

"Alright then, Eevee, let's win our first battle" I say as I throw my Pokeball into the air.

Eevee burst out in a ray of light, I'd be lying if I said I didn't squeal with joy when Eevee came out. But I had to get over myself, because it was time for the battle to start.

Eevee only knows 2 moves so far, Tackle and Quick Attack, so I guess we've got to think strategically with this.... or just hit em hard and fast and hope for the best? Yeah, I think that'll work.

"Go Eevee, use Quick Attack!" I yelled, with a hint of doubt in my voice

(Who knows? Eevee might think 'No' and do whatever it likes.)

But thankfully, Eevee charged forward in a swift movement and hit the Weedle right where it hurts! Which is everywhere really... a Weedle isn't that big, so there isn't a specific place to hit it where it'll cause the most damage I guess?

The Weedle was already starting to look weak, but it battled on anyway, it shot out a Stringshot and Eevee swiftly dodged it just in time. My Eevee is so cool!

"Ok Eevee do a Tackle attack!" I shout as Eevee quickly responds to my demand.

You know, demand is such a vicious word, let's try the word 'favour' maybe?

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