It's a Hoot and a Half

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So here we are, once again, the darn forest. Eevee and I are still wandering around with Ash and the others, but I gotta admit, I'm starting to feel like I want to go on my own. 

It's nothing against any of them, It's just that this is my journey, something for me to figure out what I need to do. Not to mention I'm on a completely different level compared to them, I'm just starting my journey, and they've already been on one!

I don't want to make any rash decisions yet though, I still have to get through this damn forest! Once we get through, I'm sure I'll be able to sort things out in my head... hopefully

"Um, Liz? Are you ok?" Somebody asked me.

Oh god... I must have been staring into space again. 

I blinked my eyes rapidly and looked around me to see Ash staring at me with, somewhat, worried eyes. 

"Oh. Yeah, sure, I'm fine. Just thinking about some stuff." I nervously rambled.

He smiled and instantly brushed it off, 

"That's fine, you ready to keep going?" He asked, 

"Yep" I responded simply.

I mean, I could answer with a, 

'Going further into the forest sounds like the best plan ever! Of course, I want to go into a creepy forest at night, who wouldn't want to do that?' 

But I had to go with the simple 'yep' because that's the more sane answer. I'd probably seem like a bit of a weirdo, or overdramatic, if I did say that... good thing I'm a sane person! (Kind of)

Gotta keep those sarcastic comments to a minimum, I've just met these people!

We carried on our way into the forest, it all seemed fine at the start, long and tedious walking, reasonable by all standards

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We carried on our way into the forest, it all seemed fine at the start, long and tedious walking, reasonable by all standards. But it was just when things seemed fine when it all went wrong. 

Eerie noises started to fill the quiet void, and I don't know about you, but walking through a forest, at night, in silence, is not exactly the perfect time to start hearing creepy noises coming from around you.

So yeah, that happened. 

The strange noises kept coming and all we could do was walk, while regularly turning our heads, to make sure nothing was going to jump out and attack us. 

I feel like I'm in one of those cheesy horror movies.

Oh god... if this is like a horror movie, I might be the first to go! I'm basically a minor character in the grand scheme of things, and the minor characters always go first!

"Do you guys hear that?" Misty asked in a hush tone.

Ok... I'm seriously trying to hold back a sarcastic answer right about now. 

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