What Do We Do Now?

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Eevee and I are really in our stride now! 

Walking side by side as we strutted down the rocky path, surrounded by trees (seeing as we are still in a forest!) Already it feels like there was something else we needed to do... but what was it?

What was I supposed to even do on this journey now? Am I supposed to go through all the gyms like a lot of the other trainers do? Or do I go for something else? Oh, who knows, all I know is I predict a lot of walking through forests in my future. 

Just then I feel a tug at my leg, leaving my brain behind I got to grips with my surrounding. I didn't even realise I stopped walking.

I looked down to see Eevee staring up at me with worry, I guess I'm not as great at hiding my emotions as I thought I was, there's something to take off my CV. 

"I'm alright Eevee, I guess I'm just wondering what we should do next." I say trying to assure him.

Eevee continued to look at me with a worried look, this little guy just doesn't stop worrying, does he? Bless him, time for me to get my head in the game.

Just then I heard an odd sound come from Eevee, I look down once more to see him yawning, 

"I guess one thing we could do next is take a quick nap?" I ask him smiling down at him.

 Eevee nods his head, and we go to sit underneath a tree for shade and security. I could easily get used to this if it's my plan for the future!

It didn't take long for either of us to settle off to sleep, Eevee cuddled up in a ball next to me, but as I drifted off I can remember thinking, 

'What does my journey hold? What do we do now?' 

Just then I got awoken by the stomping of some pretty large feet

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Just then I got awoken by the stomping of some pretty large feet... anyone call the BFG? 

I open my eyes to see two shadows standing in front of both Eevee and I. One was obviously a person, but the other one... I'm just going to hope it's some kind of Pokemon.

"You" the person shouted, 

Wow that's one way to wake someone up. Eevee and I both jumped from our spot, 

"Me?" I questioned, 

Looking around to see if there was someone called 'you' around me... sadly there wasn't. 

"Yes." They simply answered

Ummm, ok? Am I in some kind of thriller now? He then continued talking after seeing my confused look, 

"Care to have a battle with us?" 

Wait, a battle? A real battle? Ok, ok I've had a battle before, but that's been against wild Pokemon, not against a trainer! And why me? What kind of weirdo is he? To see a girl and her Eevee sleeping by a tree and think 'yep, I'll battle her' 

I look to Eevee him awake and to see what he thinks about all of this. Looking down I notice he has the most determined face I've ever seen! How could I say no?

"Ummm, alright you're on!" I say, trying to sound as confident as Eevee looks. 

The guy gives off a small smile and walks a little closer, now I can clearly see... it's  some guy I don't recognise. 

But at least now I can see his Pokemon is a... CHARIZARD?!? My first ever battle against another trainer is going to be against a Charizard?!? I think he could see the fear starting to spread through me as he let out a chuckle, 

"What? You've never seen a Charizard before?" He asked.

Well, of course, I've seen a Charizard before! I haven't exactly been living under a rock! 

I'm left in utter shock at what I've gotten myself into. Think about it, I've just accepted a challenge from some random guy with his giant Charizard, and then there's me going up against him with my little Eevee! Not to mention, if I haven't mentioned already, that this is my first battle against another trainer!!! 

I can't take it back now, it'll look bad! What if Eevee will think I'm a wimp? I can't have my Pokemon thinking of me like that, and even though Eevee can see how big that Pokemon is, his determined smile still hasn't left his face!

Well, I guess this is it... I'm going to fight a Charizard. 

"Let's do it."

Right just gonna leave it there. Sorry I haven't updated in a while, been having to focus on a load of other stuff! Hope you enjoy the chapter and be sure to vote and comment and suggestions you may have X

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