Baseball Hell

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After editing this I decided to change a few things, so if you're that interested you can read it again, however it doesn't affect the whole story or anything, just details for this chapter. So, don't worry too much ;)

So, there I was. Running  in a blind panic towards the distant sounds of my Pokémon calling out to me as they were getting taken away by giant mechanical hands. That is a sentence I seriously never thought I'd have to think about. Giant mechanical hands have taken my Pokémon from me, and here I am running as fast as I could to try and get them back.

I didn't have a plan, I simply kept running. These things could have lead me through a swarm of Beedrill, and I still would have followed!

But you know what? They didn't. Oh no, they lead me somewhere so much better. 

They lead me off the edge of a cliff!

I pushed my way past yet another bush, the thorns getting stuck to my clothes as I attempted to keep them away from my face. 

I found myself looking out at my Pokémon being held by two mechanical hands, connected to a controller which was being controlled by a Meowth. Two other people stood next to the Pokemon and were all standing in a giant Meowth shaped balloon. 

Yep, I just said that, a Meowth shaped balloon, who would have thought that was a thing?

The trio stared at me and laughed in the distance, but I could still hear the cackling noise of the pink haired woman as she held her hand to her mouth. Just my luck, I've run into more crazy people! I must attract them somehow? I hope there's an off switch...

Looking out at Eevee and Pichu I could see there was only one option left, I had to jump. I swear this is the most amount of exercise I've ever done! I better not miss or I'm done for!

Taking 3 steps back, I made sure I had enough space to get a good amount of speed to reach them once I took my leap of faith.

If my math is correct, which it never is, I should just about make it. It's now, or never.

I'm either going to jump off of this cliff, reach my Pokémon, and find a way to save them while dangling in the air. Or, I'm going to completely miss them and fall to my doom, what could go wrong?

Here I go... God I'm an idiot for doing this, but I'm doing it for my Pokémon!

I felt the wind push past me as I started to gain more and more speed. That's when I did it. I jumped. 

I found myself 'flying' through the air questioning why the hell I just jumped off a cliff with no plan in my head. 

Oh god. I'm gonna die. I'm gonna die. This was a stupid idea!!!

I am so close to Eevee's tail! Come on, just a little higher! 

I quickly grabbed hold of it and held on for dear life. If I let go it's the end of me. 

I had to climb up fast because this is probably really hurting Eevee. The poor thing. 

Now, I'm not saying I'm like a ton of bricks, but I'm not saying I'm like a feather either, so I need to climb up and hold onto the arm instead of my friend's tail.

"Eevee! Is there any way you can try to pull your tail up a little!?" I had to shout up to him.

I could see the physical pain he was going through, slowly but surely, I felt myself getting lifted up a little closer to the mechanical arm. So close in fact, that I was able to reach out and hold onto the hand that was still surrounding Eevee, at least that takes a lot of pressure off of him.

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