Gullible Gary

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Hi, just so everyone knows I changed the title of this chapter, I just felt like 'another battle' was a bit boring, as I was making a few changes to the chapter and decided to change the title as well, sorry if it's confusing.

Here we are again, people. Another battle cometh. Aren't you lucky!

After a delightful night's sleep, lying in my comfy sleeping bag with Eevee beside me, acting as a hot water bottle. I was rudely awoken by a certain someone, their face being inches from my own, screaming



Oh yes, you guessed it. It's the freakin weirdo. Mr Gary Oak. 

You would not believe how much I had to restrain myself from punching his lights out. But instead, I took the civilised way out, and that was to scream in his face until he moved!

"AAAAAAH! Gary! What is wrong with you?" I shouted, waving my arms in an attempt to get him to move.

All my Pokemon jumped up, wide eyed and confused. They all looked around sleepily until their eyes landed on the scene in front of them. The scene of me being terrified out of my whits and Gary holding onto his ears for dear life. Quite the scene I know, but he started this! This could have all been avoided if he wasn't such an idiot.

"Argh. Me? Since when did you get such a banshee scream? I was only trying to wake you up. I didn't realise that my ears would bleed because of it..." He complained, still holding onto his ears.

Hmph, dramatic much? Bleeding ears, gosh he's such a cry baby. He's lucky I didn't break his nose.

"Anyways, to answer your very loud question. No, I am not ready for our battle. And I won't be ready until I've had my breakfast. And then I'll consider having this battle with you." I huffed, stretching my arms in an attempt to go back to my normal routine. 

It didn't work.

"Fine. Whatever. I'm not bothered either way." Gary stated before walking away and shrugging his shoulders. 

What? He's the one who was so excited about it, only 2 minutes ago! I swear this guy has some issues. He's probably enthusiastic about it but wants to seem all cool and stuff, typical guy. Or in this case, typical Gary.

I decided to move on and start making breakfast for everyone, the one meal I can barely make without burning anything

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I decided to move on and start making breakfast for everyone, the one meal I can barely make without burning anything. There wasn't much to work with so, I made a fire using Growlithe's flames, of course. Making Gary and I toast, while giving the Pokemon some Pokemon food. 

I think I did pretty well considering I'm not the best survivalist in the world, I'm more of a 'restaurant and burgers' type of girl rather than a 'wild berries and mushrooms' type if that makes much sense.

Gary thanked me but accepted the plate suspiciously, 

"I haven't poisoned it ya know?" I said, awkwardly laughing.

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